Which Programming language is best - PHP or Python?

Hi All,
I want to create a dynamic website. I want to create backend cms for that site. Can any one suggest me which programming language is best - PHP or Python or some other.

you would be better using an opensource platform, many have already been written that do this exact task.

try joomla, drupal and wordpress

PHP is much more widely used than Python. That fact alone gives PHP the advantage.

If you don’t already know python or have a desire to learn it than PHP is probably a better option. PHP offers considerably more in terms of open source, deployment and learning resources.

although you can choose wordpress, joomla etc but if you want to choose between php and python then i think that php is better than python and i am a good student of that.thank you

If you already know Python and have yet to learn PHP then Python might be the better choice.

If you can find a CMS already written in Python that does exactly what you want then Python might be the better choice.

There are far more CMS already written in PHP so you are more likely to find an appropriate PHP CMS making PHP the better choice.

Also PHP is intended more specifically for creating web pages whereas Python has other uses outside of the web and so if you are looking to learn one or the other specifically for creating dynamic web pages then PHP is most likely the better choice.

There is no best programming language. There is only a language that you know best and you are comfortable with. Both languages are easy and powerful, however PHP is being slowly phased out of mainstream development. It’s the days of Ruby on Rails and Django (a python derivative) so yeah, learning python might just be a bit better at this point of time.

As I understood it, you want to create the CMS yourself.

Like the poster before me said, there isn’t a favorable language (imo). There are plenty of web frameworks that could give you a “big” hand in creating a CMS. You could create everything from scratch, though that might seem a bit much (unless it is your goal to do just that).

So, I would do some research on web frameworks. There are gazillions of web frameworks out there, like CakePHP, Zend (PHP), Symfony2 (PHP), Django (written in Python), Flask (Python), Pyramid (Python), Ruby on Rails (written in Ruby), Sinatra (Ruby), and a plethora of other web frameworks to choose from.

It’s more important to determine what you actually want to do, what criteria you’ve set and then pick what meets those criteria best.


there isnt a ‘best’ language.
python is great.
so is php.
PHP most definitely isnt being phased out of anything.

you would do well to learn software design patterns. then the actual language doesnt matter, you can use whatever you need, jQuery, ruby, perl, python, php c, c++, delphi, c# :smiley:

Python have a big future. It’s more quick and flexible than PHP. So, my opinion - Python is the best now :wink: