Why are we losing Twitter followers?

Why we are getting decrease in number of “followers” everyday as I can see people are following us everyday @bizthinkmapc

That just means more people are unfollowing you everyday (more unfollowing than following.)

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Presumably a combination of two things: a lot of those follows are low quality (meaning done for some reason other than genuine interest in you); and lack of interest in what you are posting.

Don’t worry so much about the numbers and just get involved—posting great content, engaging meaningfully in discussions etc. We tend to spend far too much time number crunching and navel gazing over social media rather than just using it for what it’s really for—being social.


My guess would be that people very quickly get fed up with having their Twitter feed spammed, because let’s be honest, that’s what you’re doing. Posting links several times a day to old pages on your website with nothing more than a headline or self-promo is not going to give people any reason to follow you. If they want to read old posts, they can read them on your website. You’ve got no interaction, there’s no sense of community, there’s absolutely no reason for anyone to follow you.

When you’re posting rubbish like
Digital Marketing Agency | Social Media Marketing Agency | Bizthinkmap | @scoopit http://sco.lt/5bUwGv
several times a day, the wonder is not that people are unsubscribing at a rate of knots but that they ever followed you in the first place.


My bet is those are followers hoping that they will be followed in return so they can post their link tweets to you.
When you don’t, they stop.

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    Yes, I also believe the same

There are several reasons. Many users use different apps to know the status of followers and following. Those who have followed you and you have not followed them in return, after sometime they will unfollow you. It is also trick which is used by many users that they follow specific quantity of people everyday and when the get huge amount of followers they unfollow them to stop getting their updates. It is also used to put impressions to other that how people are interested in you and how popular you are that you have more followers than following.


Lets assume that those people unfollowed you might have a reason that they shouldn’t at the first place. Its a common situation nowadays wherein you can see people follows a page they didn’t even know. Just like in Facebook, you will be shock why your friends with him/her.

Another assumption is that, you didn’t follow them back. This might quite intriguing but some people are after for those who follows back and forth.

the quickest answer for this is they just losing interest in your twitter channel. Probably not enough tweeting or something.

Maybe not enough tweeting or tweets not relevant to followers. Maybe because you don’t follow back your followers.Make sure to only follow people in your niche. To keep the followers - give more unique content, involve followers in conversation and comment tweets that your followers post.

You feed to much spammed. People get irrated for being spam. They most likely unfollow certain spammers for the to feel less irratated.

The possible reason could be the followers on your twitter account are dummy. This happens if you purchase followers from some companies or you might have used some social exchange sites to increase your twitter followers.

If my guess are wrong. Then your posts might not be relevant to your audience.

If you use an app like Crowdfire you can see who followed and unfollowed you. My Twitter sometimes feels like a revolving door due to some people starting to follow me out of nowhere and then unfollowing me. There are a couple of reasons for this. A lot of the time marketers who follow like 30k people start following me too, we can safely say that these people mostly want to increase their follower count and don’t care about you or what you post. When people start following me I look at their twitter timelines and see if they are interesting enough for me to follow them. If I find them interesting I follow them back but I don’t follow everyone who follows me because I want to see relevant and quality content on my timeline. In the past I used to follow back anyone who followed me but I quickly found out that it was a bad idea because I care about authenticity and genuine interactions than my follower count. I have a certain follower number that hasn’t changed over the years because I regularly interact with those people while others come and go. Your aim on Twitter should be to post quality content that people will find useful and/or entertaining and make genuine connections with people. Twitter is an awesome platform to meet people but unfortunately some people see it as a popularity contest.

You need to start networking to other twitter users. Start writing more unique content, giving advice, spreading links, retweeting others and being actively involved more. I never lose followers from my main account @cpvr on twitter even if I don’t tweet anything for an entire month. If people support you, they’ll stick around. If they’re not happy, they won’t.

In my point of view about the following and unfollow is that there are several people using twitter for marketing and they do start following maximum people everyday for the marketing purpose… When they seen they followed lot of people but non of them are following back, then they start unfollowing the profiles what they following before… I also face the same situation on my twitter account more people follow me and next day unfollow me… But i am happy with my original followers that they retweet my posting and favorite them all…

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  1. You aren’t tweeting about what you said you would,
  2. Too much activity,
  3. You don’t follow back,
  4. You use too many hashtags,
  5. Bad Grammer/Spelling,
  6. Consistently self-promoting.

Also they are unfollowing because you do not follow them back

May be Follows are low quality or you posting duplicate content and not meaningful content.

Multiple reasons:

  • loss of interest;
  • no following back from your side (but you don’t have to follow guys you don’t want to);
  • too many cats, hashtags, self-promotion;
  • nothing original and fresh;
  • nobody cares about your day routine unless you are some movie star or a famous singer.

I guess this circle of following and unfollowing does not really matter. Especially talking about the situation when you have hundreads of followers who have hundreads of their own. Melting pot of tweets, retweets, hashtags, followers - it all becomes kind of faceless at some point. So it is quite natural that you get unfollowed by some guys.

Care about the limited number of your dedicated followers, create original and interesting tweets, share new stuff and there will be no problems with followers (if we can call it a problem at all).

The reason behind losing followers is that you are not sharing useful content related to technology, business, or any other topic. In fact, I have best experience with Twitter and receive good amount of traffic from it.