Why can't I stop the action in this jquery.wmuSlider

Sorry if I’m very green with js. I have a template with the slider built in. I edited the jquery.wmuSlider.min.js options (only part I’m qualified for) to have “false” in the slideshow options. I only want to use it to place one image with no sliding or blinking. Is there anything I can do with js code to force this to just display the one image? I changed all the “true” to false and it still blinks. It has two js files that I will post below. Any input would be appreciated.

 * jQuery wmuSlider v2.1
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Brice Lechatellier
 * http://brice.lechatellier.com/
 * Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

;(function($) {

    $.fn.wmuSlider = function(options) {

        /* Default Options
        ================================================== */
        var defaults = {
            animation: 'fade',
            animationDuration: 600,
            slideshow: false,
            slideshowSpeed: 7000,
            slideToStart: 0,
            navigationControl: false,
            paginationControl: false,
            previousText: 'Previous',
            nextText: 'Next',
            touch: false,
            slide: 'article',
            items: 1
        var options = $.extend(defaults, options);

        return this.each(function() {

            /* Variables
            ================================================== */
            var $this = $(this);
            var currentIndex = options.slideToStart;
            var wrapper = $this.find('.wmuSliderWrapper');
            var slides = $this.find(options.slide);
            var slidesCount = slides.length;
            var slideshowTimeout;
            var paginationControl;
            var isAnimating;

            /* Load Slide
            ================================================== */
            var loadSlide = function(index, infinite, touch) {
                if (isAnimating) {
                    return false;
                isAnimating = false;
                currentIndex = index;
                var slide = $(slides[index]);
                $this.animate({ height: slide.innerHeight() });
                if (options.animation == 'fade') {
                        position: 'absolute',
                        opacity: 0
                    slide.css('position', 'relative');
                    slide.animate({ opacity:1 }, options.animationDuration, function() {
                        isAnimating = false;
                } else if (options.animation == 'slide') {
                    if (!infinite) {
                        wrapper.animate({ marginLeft: -$this.width() / options.items * index }, options.animationDuration, function() {
                            isAnimating = false;
                    } else {
                        if (index == 0) {
                            wrapper.animate({ marginLeft: -$this.width() / options.items * slidesCount }, options.animationDuration, function() {
                                wrapper.css('marginLeft', 0);
                                isAnimating = false;
                        } else {
                            if (!touch) {
                                wrapper.css('marginLeft', -$this.width() / options.items * slidesCount);
                            wrapper.animate({ marginLeft: -$this.width() / options.items * index }, options.animationDuration, function() {
                                isAnimating = false;

                if (paginationControl) {
                    paginationControl.find('a').each(function(i) {
                        if(i == index) {
                        } else {

                // Trigger Event
                $this.trigger('slideLoaded', index);

            /* Navigation Control
            ================================================== */
            if (options.navigationControl) {
                var prev = $('<a class="wmuSliderPrev">' + options.previousText + '</a>');
                prev.click(function(e) {
                    if (currentIndex == 0) {
                        loadSlide(slidesCount - 1, false);
                    } else {
                        loadSlide(currentIndex - 1);

                var next = $('<a class="wmuSliderNext">' + options.nextText + '</a>');
                next.click(function(e) {
                    if (currentIndex + 1 == slidesCount) {
                        loadSlide(0, false);
                    } else {
                        loadSlide(currentIndex + 1);

            /* Pagination Control
            ================================================== */
           /*-- if (options.paginationControl) {
                paginationControl = $('<ul class="wmuSliderPagination"></ul>');
                $.each(slides, function(i) {
                    paginationControl.append('<li><a href="#">' + i + '</a></li>');
                    paginationControl.find('a:eq(' + i + ')').click(function(e) {

            /* Slideshow
            ================================================== */
            if (options.slideshow) {
                var slideshow = function() {
                    if (currentIndex + 1 < slidesCount) {
                        loadSlide(currentIndex + 1);
                    } else {
                        loadSlide(0, false);
                    slideshowTimeout = setTimeout(slideshow, options.slideshowSpeed);
                slideshowTimeout = setTimeout(slideshow, options.slideshowSpeed);

            /* Resize Slider
            ================================================== */
            var resize = function() {
                var slide = $(slides[currentIndex]);
                $this.animate({ height: slide.innerHeight() });
                if (options.animation == 'slide') {
                        width: $this.width() / options.items
                        marginLeft: -$this.width() / options.items * currentIndex,
                        width: $this.width() * slides.length

            /* Touch
            ================================================== */
            var touchSwipe = function(event, phase, direction, distance) {
                if(phase == 'move' && (direction == 'left' || direction == 'right')) {
                    if (direction == 'right') {
                        if (currentIndex == 0) {
                            wrapper.css('marginLeft', (-slidesCount * $this.width() / options.items) + distance);
                        } else {
                            wrapper.css('marginLeft', (-currentIndex * $this.width() / options.items) + distance);
                    } else if (direction == 'left') {
                        wrapper.css('marginLeft', (-currentIndex * $this.width() / options.items) - distance);
                } else if (phase == 'cancel' ) {
                    if (direction == 'right' && currentIndex == 0) {
                        wrapper.animate({ marginLeft: -slidesCount * $this.width() / options.items }, options.animationDuration);
                    } else {
                        wrapper.animate({ marginLeft: -currentIndex * $this.width() / options.items }, options.animationDuration);
                } else if (phase == 'end' ) {
                    if (direction == 'right') {
                        if (currentIndex == 0) {
                            loadSlide(slidesCount - 1, false, false);
                        } else {
                            loadSlide(currentIndex - 1);
                    } else if (direction == 'left')    {
                        if (currentIndex + 1 == slidesCount) {
                            loadSlide(0, false);
                        } else {
                            loadSlide(currentIndex + 1);
                    } else {
                        wrapper.animate({ marginLeft: -currentIndex * $this.width() / options.items }, options.animationDuration);
            if (options.touch && options.animation == 'slide') {
                if (!$.isFunction($.fn.swipe)) {
                        url: 'jquery.touchSwipe.min.js',
                        async: false
                if ($.isFunction($.fn.swipe)) {
                    $this.swipe({ triggerOnTouchEnd:false, swipeStatus:touchSwipe, allowPageScroll:'vertical' });

            /* Init Slider
            ================================================== */
            var init = function() {
                var slide = $(slides[currentIndex]);
                var img = slide.find('img');
                img.load(function() {
                    $this.animate({ height: slide.innerHeight() });
                if (options.animation == 'fade') {
                        position: 'absolute',
                        width: '100%',
                        opacity: 0
                    $(slides[currentIndex]).css('position', 'relative');
                } else if (options.animation == 'slide') {
                    if (options.items > slidesCount) {
                        options.items = slidesCount;
                    slides.css('float', 'left');
                        var slide = $(this);
                        slide.attr('data-index', i);
                    for(var i = 0; i < options.items; i++) {
                    slides = $this.find(options.slide);



            /* Bind Events
            ================================================== */
            // Resize

            // Load Slide
            $this.bind('loadSlide', function(e, i) {


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HTML - originally had four “article” line for slides.

<div class="banner section" id="section-1">
       <div class="wrap"> 		
           <div class="wmuSlider example1">
			   <div class="wmuSliderWrapper">
				   <article style="position: absolute; width: 100%; opacity: 0;"> <img src="images/slide1.jpg" alt=""> </article>

            	      <script src="js/jquery.wmuSlider.js"></script>
					  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/modernizr.custom.min.js"></script>