Why google index and crawl content later

well i don’t know what’s wrong with google bot
why that don’t crawl my main site and just get mostly wordpress tag links

please tell me and sugggest me solution for this how google crawl my site quickly and crawl all my sites pages

because i notice m submitting some content before many site but google crawl and index my content later than those sites which submit that content lately
also index their pages on top in search rather than my one
i don’t why google doing this :frowning:

please tell me which changes i make or what i do that google index my all site quickly not only wordpress portion also i can be come on the top searches of google realted to that content thanks

have you got a webmaster tools account and submitted a sitemap.

do you update content regularly

what about analytics. do you have the script installed on your site.

have you submitted your sitess to all the search engines .

have you got a robots.txt file

Yes i have Webmaster account and submit site maps
But Can’t generate new site map after every single update u know its not easy with big content
and yes Update Content Almost Everyday whenever get new content

yes i have analytics and submitted sites almost all big search engines
and what is the function of robots.txt in my seo ?
please tell me if it can be useful for me in indexing my pages quickly

m also create my rss feed how can i use this as a site map that automatically my new updates link submitted in site map ?

Im not really sure then. Check WM tools to see for any errors…Sometimes it just takes time. How new is the site.

Make XML file of your website and also make sitemap of your website and submit that on google it will crawl and crawling requires time some times weeks and sometimes months

You could try make a high-PR age feature new content, so the pages get discovered quickly.

The search appliance crawl any contented servers in our surroundings, It check out with the content server administrator or the webmaster to check that robots.txt allows for the search appliance user agent access to the allow content.

Have you got backlinks to your site. If you have backlinks on good sites it means google will come to it quicker as it will see these link more often. I think anyway, somebody correct me

well how to create good backlinks
after posting on blogs and forums ?
or how is this possible ?
please let me know little details about this

A sitemap will be a good choice, and according to your description, you don’t creat unique contents? Maybe you will want to create some quality unique contents to gain some weight for your website.

You can also try Fetch as Googlebot feature in Webmaster Tools.