Wierd redirect

I just noticed that for some unknown reason


redirects to


I have checked my .htaccess file, Wordpress general settings, Google Webmaster tools to see what might be causing this. So far, no luck. Any clues?

I have everything set for


, yet the rel canonical shows


. What is the impact of this on my Google page ranking?

Browsers always display the domain name with a slash at the end, don’t they? Type in any domain, such as example.com, and it shows with a / at the emd.

They do, yeah. I also just tested a bunch of domains, and ff always adds the trailing /. According to the URL spec, a URL without the path / is valid though (see http://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/url-spec.txt).

Thanks, guys. I never paid attention to that. Now I will.