Windows 8 - The death of the Desktop

Even though Windows8 is probably [B]2-3[/B] years away ([I]2013 some speculate[/I]) early indication shows that Windows8 will probably be the beginning of the [URL=“”]death of the desktop.

Windows8 also shows a nice recovery feature when your PC goes belly up you can recovery in a few minutes, very sweet it’s Hyper System Restore :slight_smile:

How much resources we need for Windows 8?

Still stumbling with Windows? I finished years ago. The only thing I can suggest to you gu7ys is UBUNTU.


Don’t shoot the messenger :slight_smile: I just decided to make the a topic about it, it is too early at this stage things can change anytime and for all we know it may not come about for 5 yrs from now so it’s not use but the topic is open for speculation :slight_smile:

Early indication? Considering there’s few details out about it, I think it’s a bit premature for us to start saying Windows is dead. :wink: