WinXP IE6 my Form disappears this the same bug?

I have a page with the semantic layout, outline as follows:

+ content wrapper
|-- h2 {position: relative;
|-- + div {float:left;
|    |-- div
|    |-- p
|-- + div {float: left;
|    |-- form (disappears)

The form is disappearing in IE 6. Here’s the situation. I composed the page testing it with Firefox. Loaded the page to my site, validated CSS and HTML. Finally tested it in IE 6. The form disappears entirely.

Today I’ve read here about disappearing absolute positioned items next to floats. Is this the same? But in this case its a disappearing form in a float below a relative positioned element. And reloading does not bring it back.

It was never more frustrating then after mocking-up a test page, I loaded it to see it display. I made a tweek. Then, poof, the form disappeared. I reverted the changes, but the page remains a one peep wonder. If I could figure how it works I’d place porn Easter eggs on all my pages!:stuck_out_tongue:


PS and I have IE Developer Tools to turn off cache etc.

You’d really need to post both your HTML & CSS to get accurate responses.

Try giving the form width 100%. If that doesn’t break anything and brings it back then good your done. If it breaks other things but brings it back simply use another “haslayout” fix. If neither work try either floating the form instead of the div or giving the form position relative. If none of the above fix it then well need to see some html or a link too prob.

I found a solution while trouble shooting another IE6 problem (broke centering layout thats using a template I’m already using elsewhere where it displays correctly:confused:

Placing the relatively positioned h2 element in its own div triggered the form to return to existence. Also, I tested separating the relatively positioned h2 and the float div with an empty div in the xhtml (as described in the bug I mentioned above and found in sitepoint blogs). The non-semantic div also brought the missing content back to existence.

Evidently the problems are related? According to the linked discussion, the problem isn’t haslayout.

I had this bug and added empty elements in between floats (not divs tho). Without content inside the elements it wasn’t so unsemantic.

It does need to be a block though. I think I had something like
<br class=“iebugfix”>

.iebugfix {
display: block;

or something similar. It was a while ago now.