WordPress Addon Question

I have this WordPress Addon and I would like to know what the options below mean ? I’m looking for an option whereas when I activate it, it stays active but when I activate this addon and go to the page it loads. The point of the addon is to show “Under Maintenance” but I would like it to show this message when I activate the addon with whatever I’m doing but it doesn’t seem to be doing that unless the option below is exactly what I’m after ?

Access to blog front-end and administration (back-end)

By default, only logged in administrators (more exactly: users with the capability «manage_options») do have full access to the blog's front-end and will not see any splash page when the maintenance mode is activated. You can change this here:
Access to blog front-end with capability (role):admin/author/editor/contributor 

By default, anyone who is logged in to the blog (more exactly: users with the capability «read») does have access to the WordPress administration (back-end) when the maintenance mode is activated. You can restrict this here:
Access to administration/back-end with capability (role):admin/author/editor/contributor

When I put WP into maintenance mode regardless if I log out of WP on the same browser I won’t see the maintenance message but from another browser once maintenance mode is activated it is seen ?

It means that you (or any other Admin) won’t see a maintenance message, but your regular visitors will see it.

Oh, how do I go about doing this ? Regardless what I’m installing whether if be a theme, add-on etc I can put it into maintenance mode without something going wonky ?

I would like to be able to see the maintenance message, although I worry that I won’t be able to login to the WP Admin account if I set this option to ‘on’ !

You don’t need an addon to put WordPress into maintenance mode. There is a value in the database options to do it.

If you want to see the maintenance message for some reason, go to your blog in a different browser. You’ll be logged in from the browser you’re working on, while the other browser isn’t logged in so sees the maintenance message.