Wordpress advice


hope this is the right forum for my wordpress question, I am a newbie to wordpress, I know the very basics and want to get as much real world experience in writing wordpress themes, converting html to wordpress and learn as much as I can, what is the best way to go about it, I’ve read a couple of books and listened to tutorials. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


I advise you to take a look at the sitepoint ebooks. There not free, but great value!

I already have some of the ebooks, thanks anyway

well, then just go for it. I also learned it that way.
maybe you can start with a basic tutorial and then create your own theme.
that’s the best way to learn.

Trial and Error. Set up a site on your local machine and just start playing with it. If you’re on Windows XAMPP will do the trick. On Mac, look at MAMP.

I think if you want to create a new wordpress theme you should learn not only html but also mysql and css also . There are many good web site for learning html, mysql and css.
You can get help from google search engine for find out tutorial web site.

thank you all for your suggestions, I am actually reading a sitepoint book, build your own wicked wordpress themes.

W3School is best place to learn new coding and you must participate in wordpress forum to interact with all wordpress users.