WordPress blog page not working correctly

Good day,

There’s couple of issues with my WordPress blog which I integrated into my website http://prygara.com/blog/

  1. when clicked on separate post link (permalink), favicon not showing and social links (images) not showing (facebook, twitter, google).
    They however show correctly on the rest of pages of the site

  2. “categorized as” link not working inside single post

Any advice is appreciated.

This is a Image link issue, on your Code there is : …/images/facebook.png That must be only : /images/facebook.png just edit your wordpress theme for all the other images including the Favicon.

  1. “categorized as” link not working inside single post

Check your Theme again because you have a Space which generate 20% inside the link.


Fixed. Thanks for catching this for me,deadmix

Check your Theme again because you have a Space which generate 20% inside the link.

I am sorry I can’t find that space. Can you post a piece of code where this error is ocurring. Thanks again.