WordPress for a school website

I would like to use WordPress for my school’s website. It does everything I need but I cannot figure out how to publish homework assignments. I know teachers can just write posts for daily homework but what I’d like to do is a little more complicated. Is there a way to create a way for a cluster/ group of teachers to be able to post homework on their own page by content? For example. let’s say cluster 1 has 4 teachers (math, English History and science) and each teacher wants to post his homework on the same page but it would go under the subject heading. So it would look like this:

English ---------- Math ---------- Science --------- History
Assignment -------Assignment ----- Assignment ------Assignment

Is this possible? Not sure if custom post types would work or how.

Thanks for any advice

Not sure that Wordpress can do that but when things start getting overly complex for Wordpress next open source choice is Drupal, and a great candidate to easily solve the sort of problem you’re describing.

You will have to consult a WP Developer to get something like that done or code a custom plugin yourself. I do not see any out of the box method for it.

ok-thank you

You could use the ‘Members’ plugin to create a ‘teachers’ group and then only allow them access to their own department.

I’m actually working on a Wordpress plugin exclusively for schools to give them a group of features aimed at what a school needs and to allow this kind of ‘virtual learning environment’ functionality, but it’s early stages so far!