Wordpress for dummies

Wordpress is really cool but if you suck in programming you have to stick to the color, templates and things the provide…
Is there some wordpress bible to customize a site further than font color and banner?



And of course, the Wordpress forum. The people over there are pretty helpful. Wordpress contains a lot of code. If you want anything approaching a Wordpress authority, you are going to have your best luck finding it on the Wordpress forum.


SitePoint has some handy books, too:


And it’s worth looking at this too:


Thanks for the links

Learny to make WP themes from the scratch… with the fonts you like, etc… So… COMPLETE solution.

just use google. most of the colours and stuf are in the appearence–editor. so you can just copy the code, past in something like notepad += and the search for the colour… just try. it’s not that hard.

I got solution for customize Wp from here, thanks

From an SEO pov, is it better to use htaccess to point my domain to my WordPress folder, or move the WP folder up to root?

Probably no difference from an SEO point of view, but from a practicality point of view, I would move WP to the root folder. Why give the server more work when you don’t have to?

Thanks Ralph, good point. Also right now I have the robots.txt file blocking my /wordpress/ folder as I am trying to avoid duplicate content while writing/copying the site to WP pages.

WP Beginner, Smashing WordPress and WP Candy are good sites to spend some time on as well. Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr’s book “Digging into WordPress” is highly recommended also, although I haven’t read it. The Codex is the bible, but I know it can be confusing at first. It will eventually become an indispensable resource, however.