WordPress Membership Plugin

I have recently started this cool new project. It’s a lot more challenging than the websites I am used to and with that challenge comes unchartered waters.

The user will have a choice to purchase a package, once they purchase the package they should be able to log in and see the package they purchased alongside with some user specific information, such as what was included in their package. For example, the user will log in, be able to change their personal information and also have the ability to see exactly what was purchased. I am hoping to get this information from a field filled in with the register form.

To summarize, the user will purchase a package, fill in an order form and register details, and this filled in data will be viewable via the website once the customer logins in with their details.

It’s understandable that this task might be optimistic. I have already been looking at various ways this can be challenged.

I found the following plug-ins which I could use:

With such an important task I need to be able to choose the plug-in which is right for what I want to achieve. I am hardly a programmer so chosing a plug-in would be my best bet. I am already a paid subscriber of GravityForms and using the User Registration Addons, you can achieve something on the very basic level.

After exploring with Gravity Forms I really did like Athorize.NET for the credit card payments. The issue is a lot of those plugins are paid, which makes choosing the right solution ever more pressing.

I would love to hear if anybody else has had experience with what I am trying to achieve.