WordPress/Responsive Navigation Losing Color when on Child Page

I’m still working on my mobile navigation, and I ran across a weird problem. When you visit a parent page, the children links then show - just as I wanted. But when you visit a child page, the children navigation elements lose their color.

When on child page:

How I want it to display/how it displays when on a parent page:

Link (pull to 480px or below)

Any ideas?

Thanks guys!


It looks as though you have set up rules for when the parent is active.


#main-nav_responsive .page-item-11.current_page_item a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #2CA7E1;

However when the child is the current item the cuurrent_page_item class is replaced by current_page_parent class so I would assume you need to target that in the same way.


#main-nav_responsive .page-item-11.current_page_item a,
#main-nav_responsive .page-item-11.current_page_parent a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #2CA7E1;

And follow that through for the other items.

Worked like a charm. Thanks a ton Paul!