WordPress Security help

I have Better WP Security on my website and I find there too much going on.
I have noticed many 404 errors and don’t know why they are there.

I checked the logs on this plugin and I can see all the 404 errors.
I think it’s actually this plugin making these errors, or maybe I’m wrong.

Is there a better security plugin that’s simple and does the same job as this plugin.

Any help would be appreciated.


I am using Wordfence on wordpress websits. I also at least initially used WSD Security plugin which does a scan of the website and let you know if everything is all good with chmod and permissions.

Wordfence seems very good, but to really get all of the features you need to pay for it. Out of the box it will scan your website and alert you if any files change, if anyone logs in, and you can block ‘admin’ attempts. Keep an eye on your Wordfence tables too because they can get rather large overtime.

If there are excessive amounts of 404 errors showing up, do those pages actually exist on the website?

The 404 errors exist because bots search for thousands of pages on all WordPress sites that only exist on a small fraction of those sites. The 404 errors occur on all WordPress sites - the security module simply provides an easier way for you to see them than having to go to the server log.

So these 404 errors are nothing to worry about then? Unless its actually a page that I have content on and want people to see.

Do errors not effect your ranking even though the page may not be intended for public view.

Here is a list of the Best WordPress Security Plugins:

1-Better WP Security – Best WordPress Security Plugin

2-BulletProof Security

3-WP Login Security 2

4-Anti Malware (Get off Malicious Scripts)

5-Wordfence Security

All the Best!