Wordpress slideshow banner

I want to put a large slideshow banner on the front page of my wordpress site, but the images need to be pulled from a post. Is that possible? How would I go about coding that?

Hi WebDonkey,
There are many Wordpress plugins available for this. I often use vSlider. I find it easy to use, and yes, you can pull the images from a post.

If images are in your posts then they’re also likely to be in the Wordpress media library (unless you are linking to offsite images). There are lots of slideshow options that all come as straight plugins. You just select the one you want, install and activate and then basically you are able to insert them into most parts of your page. Some integrate more easily than others but there are so many now that it shouldn’t take long to find one that does what you want. They also usually have a way of selecting images from the library and making galleries. You can then insert a slideshow that plays the selection of images from that gallery you created. It is simply linking the images together and associating them with the slideshow.

This post has a good run down of what is currently around and its strengths. I’ve been happy using Slider Pro off that list. But I’ve also been more than close to using or purchasing some of the others too.

Thanks for the suggestions, wanted to create my plugin really. I know this may be reinventing the wheel, but would be good practice for me.

I need the slideshow to automatically take the images associated with a post and display it. I also need to make it easy for the user to setup. Do all images need to be stored in the media library? It seems like a big storage for everything. I would prefer that images only be linked to a certain post and nothing else.