Wordpress, Zenon lite

I complety agree with you, however, after calling him he still refuses to let go of his ‘scroll free’ home page. Maybe you have any good ideas for the design? Or should I just tell him it isn’t going to work?
The people who created the site for his company told him it was important, thats why he really wants this kind of homepage. As you can see his site is really simple and basic, not what I had in mind for my design, perhaps you can see a compromise between my site and his?

Well we certainly empathise with you!

You have a little it of space to play with around the header text and you could lose the pagination numbers.
That should bring you closer to the height.

Failing that you would have to reduce the height of the slider to a point that would make a slider pointless!

He probably misunderstood what he was told. Often it’s said that the most important content should site “above the fold”, meaning that it should be on screen without scrolling. Whether that’s true or not is debatable, but anyhow, if you have more content on a page than can fit, you either scroll to it, or hide it so that no one can get to it. That’s a pretty stark pair of options, and the right choice is obvious.

Spoke to him again, its either a homepage without scrolling or it’s nothing at all. So I’m afraid a new design is necessary, thank you so much for all the support though! If there’s any way I might be able to help you, let me know.

Never mind, managed to make it small enough so he agreed. I had to remove the entire footer, including the numbers for te slide. Perhaps you know a way to include the numbers in the slideshow itself?


Normally you’d position over the top of the image, perhaps near the bottom right. That’s easy enough. Give the slideshow container position: relative and the container for the numbers position: absolute, and a right: and bottom: value to place it down near the right bottom corner.