Working process for Bing and google are different or same?

Working process for Bing and google are different or same?

If same then why we consider ranking for different ranking for both?

Work process are same to give you optimum result on the basis of search. Google and Bing Algorithm for searching are different. It is unknown that what search algorithm they follow to give search result. Both search engines give ranking to the site on the basis of unique quality content. On the basis of ranking they give required result.

Work process are same but both search engine algorithm are different so search result ranking are different.

Process of working is same for both google and bing but the algorithm which they follow for the ranking is different so that we can see the different position for both the SERPs.

Google and Bing (and most other search engines) have similar processes and similar algorithms, so the work you need to do to improve your rankings in each search engine is basically the same. Each of them will have put together a slightly different algorithm, with different factors given different weightings, which is why the results you get aren’t the same in each one.

There’s no point in focusing on strategies specifically for Bing because (a) they won’t be hugely different from others, and (b) usage of Bing is so low in comparison to Google that you won’t get anywhere near as much bang for your buck.

Both search engines have some similarities in their algorithms and rules. But I believe both are going for relevant, good quality content. This is something you should do. I just notice that if your website does well in Google SERPs, then fare well in Bing (and Yahoo! Search).

Well, it is the same I think…! I try to optimize the friendly search engine for Google, but I get highest organic traffic from bing and yahoo. I think that because now, Facebook and bing are joinventure. users could query result from yahoo and bing.

So is it ok to concentrate on Google? which will also increase nice position for my site in Bing?