Would you agree this is the definition of a PHP framework?

You may not think so, but both my previous and current business partners, and the customers who use it on a day-to-day basis to conduct their business, would disagree with your opinion. THEIR opinion is much more valuable to me than yours, so you might as well keep your opinion to yourself.

Each of the 2,500+ transactions in my application has its own transaction script, as described in http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/infrastructure.html#component.script, which looks like the following:

$table_id = "person";                      // identify the Model
$screen   = 'person.detail.screen.inc';    // identify the View
require 'std.enquire1.inc';                // activate the Controller

Each script therefore specifies a unique combination of Model, View and Controller, therefore there is no violation of DRY.