Writing for Fun

There are tons of blogs out there, and there are a lot of people who are writing stuff that get posted on the Internet. Some of them want to get noticed in such a way that they want to be seen on the top pages of the search results, while others just write for fun. I’ve been wondering, though. I’ve been writing for fun for a long time, and I’ve thought of trying to become famous through those things that I write, but I never thought of actually abusing the fact that I can be a lot more visible on the search results if I added some words in my content.

Content creation should be done YOUR way. If you want to get noticed, create something that will be worth sharing across different networks. If people like it, they will share it. You don’t have to worry too much about not having certain words in your content that will make your visible on the search results. You just have to be you when you write. Wouldn’t it be a lot more fun if you’re going to write stuff down without anyone forcing you to put words in it that aren’t from your thoughts?

Well, if writing is your day job, your superiors would tell you the topics that you should cover and how you’re going to deliver it, but that isn’t supposed to be a limiter for your writing style. If they want you to write in a professional manner, that wouldn’t stop you from using your style in making things look professional. It’s still your words that are going to be in that content, and not some words generated by some tool. You might be able to add words which are generated by those tools within your content without bringing the quality down, but there are times when those wouldn’t exactly be a perfect fit.

To cut things short, if you’re going to write something that you would want to post on the Internet, just be you, or at least be the persona that you want to be associated to. Don’t be too worried about not being on Google’s top 10, or something like that. Just put your focus on creating content that the people will like. Reputation builds up faster that way than forcing yourself to add things within the content that would look like you’re forcing yourself to become noticed. Write for fun!

PS: Even if my signature’s like that, I favor content which have been written in one’s own words rather than those written for the sake of being visible in the eyes of search engines.

For the majority of blogs like that, most traffic comes from regular readers, referrals and direct links – very little is going to come from search engines, even for sites that do very well in Google, because the chances are that the content is so niche that there aren’t going to be many people searching for relevant terms who are looking to read a blog. So the more you gear your content and your writing towards appealling to search engines, the less likely it is to appeal to real people. Even if you think it’s just a case of mentioning your ‘key word’ a few extra times, that small change can make your writing come across as stilted and artificial, and spoil the flow and style of your writing.

Come to think of it, you’re right. It would feel like you’re requiring yourself to say something in a way that you don’t want to, even if it’s just a single word we’re talking about.

Although I agree with Stevie D, I also believe it’s a poor writer who writes everything down at one sitting and publishes it verbatim. You can often find places where a noun would have better served clarity than a pronoun or where you have repeated a word that could be changed with a synonym or a nuance inferred by one word that another word would better explain.

Additionally, if you are writing for you business, you must keep branding in mind. Although generic words and phrases such as we, I, our company, our web site, etc., have their place in a long composition, you need to make sure that your company name or your products are mentioned often enough to stay in your readers’ minds.

This is actually one of the things that I want to point out to those who are so worried about keyword density when they’re writing articles. Sorry for the SEO-ish post here, Linda. I’ve been seeing those people who are saying that you should only have this number of instances that you repeat a certain word, or phrase. I remember asking them something in return:

What about those pages that are selling you something? Wouldn’t you want to make sure that the name of the product is something that they’re looking for and that it will stick to them once they read it?

No problem Gerald. SEO does sometimes cross over into content. It’s the nature of the animal. :shifty: But here’s a good SEO pointer, if overuse of a word or phrase makes it difficult reading for your visitor, it also makes it spammy to the search bots. Yet, as we have both mentioned, it is important to emphasize your brand(s). Different from SEO, though, there is no magic number. Text should be written so it gets the point across in as few words as it takes to do the job and with words that get the job done.

Google gives more credit to those writing with sincerity and with sense also. Just pure quality content is still always being favored.

Writing content for your readers and not for Google becomes a win all around the board. Your readers will love it because they get the information they need in a quality article without having to wade through a mess of keywords. And search engines will love it because they can easily analyze and index your article.

Well, as the basic rule of writing implies, “Write to impress, not to express.” I think if you will write because you want to express yourself and communicate your ideas or share your experiences/knowledge, writing can be fun. But if you will try to impress the readers and the search engines, writing can be tedious and woeful.

I think you got your basic rule backwards? I think it should be “Write to express, not to impress”, shouldn’t it? (:

oopsss sorry, hahaha there’s some mistake on it. I stand corrected. thanks. what I meant to say is “Write to express, not to impress.” sorry for the error :stuck_out_tongue: anyway how can I edit that post? well, you know, I’m quite ashamed that I made such mistake.

Don’t worry, WebOutGateway. We all make mistakes every once in a while. We’re human, after all. At least you were honest with your mistake with that rule you’ve mentioned. Speaking of which, I have to say that I really like that rule. It’s like saying that you should just show your presence online and not flaunt whatever it is that you have that other people don’t.

No problem. Between the two of us, I believe we have fixed it. When fingers do the talking, it just stands to reason that sometimes they trip. :slight_smile:

Thanks for understanding folks. Well, I really like that rule. That is something that I always put into practice every time I’m writing an article. Simply because I don’t want to bombard my readers with flowery words that are hard to interpret. Besides, I also do not want to stress myself thinking of complicated words that would make my articles appear ‘very intellectual.’ It’s not very entertaining at all. I write because I love writing. :slight_smile:

I agree with you, writing all together is like eating all you need for a week in a single day…, Writing is an art and you need be in right mood to write well.

i would be nice if you could share you fav article with us, cause i personally think i get overloaded with intellectual stuff and miss the cool point.)

Someone brought up mood, so I might as well talk about that. What exactly IS the right mood? Aren’t we writing things based on how we feel? If it’s for something professional, you’ll have some sort of a professional feel when you’re putting things on paper (or, in our age’s case, on a digital document). When it’s for something personal, it branches out to an even wider field of possibilities.

That being said, would you agree if I said that what you write down is based on how you feel at the moment you’re writing?

Well that’s correct. Right mood IS noting but interest to write something, for instant yesterday my sister(who is pregnant) had some pain and i took her to hospital,"but yet i had to write a couple of article yesterday, since my mind was so preoccupied with my sister and her well being, i just didn’t had the right mood and concentration on writing those articles and so i just postponed the task. And in the end what i meant to say is quite simple "Writing is something different from SEO for it needs more creativity and that eventually needs a proper “mind set” in other words “Good mood to write”.

And to your point " i agree we just place words as we feel" but to get that feel and flow possible you need to get your self focused on the task @ hand.

Finally for your question: I will agree to that, but that feel will be influenced by what my client want from me and my knowledge on that niche(or topic).

Let’s make it general. I think it would be much more fitting if we said that the mood to write would depend on an external stimulus… or something. Do you agree?

For internet marketers, publishing a blog relevant to their business is important. But for the real writer who doesn’t mind SEO and being seen by search engines, creating a post should come from their hearts. Anyway, if a writer’s work will gain attention because of its quality, search engines will “see” it anyway. :slight_smile: