WYSIWYG best practice for handling fonts faces

I have a WYSIWYG textarea (CKeditor) in my CMS.

Most of the users write the article first in a word document and then paste it in the textarea.

Sometimes they paste as plain text, but sometimes not. And sometimes the articles final result is a mess because of the HTML that Word generates.

I have problems specially with the fonts, people change font face in Word and when they paste text in the textarea, the font face used in Word remains (seems that Word uses the <font> tag.

I’d like to know how you handle this.

Many thanks.

CKEditor already has a “Paste from Word” feature button, you just need to add the toolbar button in your configuration. http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/Toolbar

Thank you. Yes, I’m aware of that button (and the checkbox of avoiding font changes), but it seems it does not always works ok

I know Tiny_MCE has a Word plugin that reformats word output into something valid. Maybe there is a similar plugin for CKeditor.