Your Favorite Super Hero?

My favorite Super Hero is Super Man.What about you?

My favorite super hero is HANUMAN because he has 3-in-1 power (Superman, Spider-Man & Batman). These three superheros (Superman, Spider-Man & Batman) are imagination heroes, but HANUMAN is real hero in Hindu mythology.

You want to know something really funny?
When I was a kid, I took my initials, made a logo, painted it on t-shirts with Artex paints…
And was my favorite superhero. :slight_smile:

(Still am, come to think of it!)

My favorite super hero is Spider Man.

We share the same favorite superhero.

SpikeZ :lol:

Probably superman. The others spend their time as normal people, and put on a costume to become the hero. Superman’s costume is a human disguise. But, personally, super-heros just don’t do it for me.

Pretty much anything from X-Men but particularly Gambit (not shown in the films).

Tarzan is my favorite character :smiley: he’s the only super hero for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably Batman, although Banana Man comes a close second :slight_smile:

Thanks to all for comments.

For me, probably Superman too…

I have many but must still say that Superman is the favorite


My favorite is Batman but for the movie Dark Knight I much love Joker.

I like Spiderman and Batman:)

I like Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman …

Your 2nd favorite superhero is a young boy who eats a “banana” and transforms into a “man”? :lol:

Doctor Manhattan

superman and batman, hmm…also the x-men!
