Youtube Chromeless Player

Hi there guys does anyone have experience using Youtube’s Chromeless player. I have set it up as follows:

var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always" };
var atts = { id: "myytplayer" };
swfobject.embedSWF("" ,
					   "ytapiplayer", "412", "246", "8", null, null, params, atts);

Is my use of the developer key here correct? The API doc is vague at best when discussing this:

Developer’s Guide: Data API Protocol - YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code

Anyway I continue to get a handle on the player:

 function onYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {
ytplayer = document.getElementById("myytplayer");

I then call the following function to load in my first url and play the video.

This is done because I want two sets of controls - one on a list which the user has called to embed the player in the first place and another to be my custom chrome:

 function play() {
	ytplayer.loadVideoByUrl( "",    0);   

Here is the test site :

Jake Guy - Content Management System

click the 4th accordion entry - this is defintely youtube, the plugin I am designing interchanges flowplayer with youtube.

Its as it says in this:

use a combination of this giude:

YouTube JavaScript Player API Reference - YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code

and this tutorial vid:

YouTube Player APIs and Tools Tutorial - YouTube

I’d still like to find out how to load a chromeless video from a url tho, any ideas?

ok guys here’s what worked for me:

ytplayer.loadVideoById(“I8xZBfVsMzs”, 1, “medium”);

You just use the id instead of the url, don’t need a developer key unless you need to write/upload

Surely there’s a way of doing it with a url tho?