How to get start with Xamarin?

I’m trying to learn Xamarin to develop mobile applications . I’ve visited around some places. MVA ( Microsoft virtual academy ) and Xamarin channel 9 studio etc .These lectures are not for that person who is totally new to mobile application development. They cover the main modules or you can say they just show us the tool and it’s working but not show how to get started with crack.
someone please suggest me how to get start with Xamarin to develop mobile applications and easy way.
thanks. and sorry for poor English because English has not being my mother tongue.

Have you had a look at their Webinars?

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Okay, was there anything in Say Hello to Xamarin 3 that you were confused on? Are you also new to C#? Is that part of the problem?

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this one is new for me. i did’t see it before… thanks. i’m going to watch it.:slight_smile:

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