A Question For All - How do you feel about Guns?

[FONT=“Georgia”]That’s not what she’s talking about.

This is what she’s talking about.


Speak for yourself please. You do not speak for a rational person here.

A careless person who uses a gun on a whim because he is bothered by something, would, if he did not have a gun, use something else to hurt the person that bothers him. Irrationality is there without a gun or with a gun. He can make himself some homespun bombs to use instead of a gun.

I find that the arguments to outlaw guns for all because of the thugs is really missing the point of making thugs more responsible. You can not “make” people think, and because of that injuries to innocent people will happen. But guns are not the only things that hurt people. Guns are used as a convenient and visible explanation why people act violently.

Guns do not make a person violent, irrational emotions do. Guns are not violent, only if they are used by a violent person they are. Defense, a retaliatory act, is not violence :slight_smile:

What would you call a good reason?

What makes you think a government is omnipotent or even should be?

What makes you think some arm of the government can threaten me?

[FONT=“Georgia”]Consider this.

You make guns illegal.

No one can legally own a gun.

Do you think that the “thugs” go out and license their firearms ?

Do you think the gang-bangers legally own their weapons ?

By making it illegal to bear arms, you’re effectivly disarming the law-abiding citizens, while those who will prey upon them retain their claws.


Thanks for posting this :slight_smile:

No. I just generalising.

Thanks for posting this. I agree with the video. I even agree for “justice and freedom for all”, something that we might have soon or later in the USA.

I agree. If everybody own a gun when born, like a SSN, I truly believe that violence will be everywhere, everytime. Guns will be used for a no or for a yes…

Where did you see I think governemnt is onmipotent?

Park on a hotel parking lot, waiting my wife, I sit in my blue truck reading a magazine. Concentrated in my reading, a police officer open the passenger door with his left hand, holding his gun in his right hand. No time to react, another one open my door and push me in the ground, putting handcuff.
If I was fast, could I use my gun and kill them for invasion of private property?
I didn’t. I ask first what’s going on and it’s when a third one came and say: “He’s not our guy, the plate doesn’t match. Sorry for the inconvenience, have a nice day”.

A robbery had taken place 5-10 minutes earlier at the hotel and witnesses said he ran away in a blue truck!

Can I just kill these police officers and go home free and clear?

I’m a partisan of freedom, even for “guns for everyone”. I just believe it’s crazy to allow everyone to have a gun in hands…

I have no fences in my backyard. I just put four little metalic pieces with a orange sign saying “private property - no trespassing”.

I guess this little boy, the neighbors behind, didn’t see or did’t read the sign when he came to get his football, that his older brother threw away, to high for him.

Oh well, he was on my property. I just shoot him in the head. After all, I have the right to shoot somebody in my property if I feel attacked, as it was truly the case in my mind. After all he was in the bush. I really thought the person hidden in that bush was willing to hurt my family.
Last night, I saw somebody in that bush, probably the same pervert that is attacking people in the neighborhood.

What’s wrong in the text above?
What would you do?

  1. I shoot and kill. Then I ask what’s going on.
  2. I ask what’s going on. Then I shoot and kill.
  3. I call the omnipotent government agents number:911
  4. None of the above

I think the whole no-no for legal guns is due to misunderstanding the idea whatsoever.

By making something illegal you don’t magically make it disappear from the surface of earth. But you do take it away from those who abide by law.

Anyone who missuses a gun to harm someone does that against law and no law can stop them. They will use all tools possible to commit their crimes.

Leaving the right to own a gun doesn’t mean handing out free guns to everyone. It means the right to protect your own life as well as those of your close.

The purpose of a gun is not to kill, but to protect life. And as such it’s the most valuable tool you can have, because it protects the most valuable thing - life. Just as knife helps to serve you food, so does a gun to protect your life, and just because it’s possible to misuse either it doesn’t make them wrong.

Knife is freely available to everyone, but you don’t see everyone running around with knifes and killing each other. Nor you do where guns are legal. But crime is always there regardless.

If you’re not certain if they should be legal, think of what does it serve. Forbid guns and you help criminals by making their victims easier. Allow having guns and you make criminals wary about attacking someone whenever they wish to. Is it so hard to choose?

I wonder, what’s all that to do with legally owning a gun. Just because you own one doesn’t mean a license to kill and go around shooting everyone. That only means such person has mental problems.

Here is a quote from you. It implies that government has omnipotence.

No, I would not use the gun in that case. This is different from coming to your house and barging in. I would not shoot at an officer if he came to the door and ask to speak to me. If it was in the context of a political setup, I might. It depends on the political situation in the country :slight_smile:

Yes, the car is private property, but you are in a semi public place. It also is part of the price we pay for a justice system to protect us. Humans are fallible, police officers are humans. I have this thought of course all along, so I would not act on an impulse and shoot because I feel unjustly detained and handled. I would expect an apology, but no compensation.

There is not a single thing in life that has no danger to it. So you might as well give the innocent at least a way to defend themselves. I too do not like that thugs have guns and bombs. But they do. If you outlaw them they manufacture them themselves and there would be nothing you would have in your defense.

I agree. Plus, criminals will kill than rob, afraid of the victims intentions or victims gun whererabout. If not allow, criminals have no reason to kill because the victims is harmless, no matter what. Does this might reduce deaths, I guess so. Does this might increase easy robberies and little violence (with no death), I guess so as well…

BINGO, we have a winner … this my friend is EXACTLY the point.

I mentioned it before but maybe some missed it.

Many drugs are illegal … NO ONE can possess them except authorized people. Does that stop the drug trafficking? Nope!

Think bag to the US prohibition on alcohol … did it stop people that wanted to drink from drinking? Nope!

You can make anything illegal but those that don’t care about the law will still get whatever you make illegal if they really want it.

[FONT=“Georgia”]Every right comes with a responsibility.

Classic example… you have a right (in some countries) to “Freedom of Speech”.

Does that mean it’s okay for you to falsely yell, “OH MY GOD! FIRE!” inside a crowded theatre ?

Of course not. Because if you set off a panic inside there, and people begin trampling each other to get to the doors, you’d be responsible for all those people who got hurt. And you’re responsible for the money the theatre-owner lost. And responsible for all the people who didn’t get to see the show they paid for.

For every right and freedom you have, you also have a responsibility to use that right properly.

A six-year old kid is not responsible enough yet to own a gun.

Neither is the irrational person whom codythebest described up there.

But it is a big mistake to generalise and drop a catch-all regulation which takes away the rights of individuals who are responsible enough.

It’d be like you and your siblings getting grounded for a weekend because of something stupid that your older brother did.


Nope, in fact you would be criminally negligent there. Even in states where carrying a weapon (like PA) is legal (with a license for concealed carry, none for open) the law states you MUST attempt to flee before firing upon your attacker. Only when you have no ability to flee are you then allowed to use your weapon …

None of your scenarios warrant the use of deadly force … not a one. Now had someone burst into your home then the whole story changes

It is the thinking of an irrational person.

  1. I certainly would not shoot.
  2. I might ask what is going on. But it is pretty self evident.
  3. Why would I call the agent, I have evaluated the situation?
  4. None of the above.

I would not think that. Always assume innocence first. Then act. To be paranoid about situations is a very bad habit. A rational person thinks before acting.

Have any statistics to back that up? Cause I seriously doubt that is the case.

You assume that he who doesn’t abide by law will rely on others to abide by it and act accordingly. I don’t think so. The criminal will shoot anyone in sight if he is ready to do that. And he will always assume everyone to have a gun regardless the law, he wouldn’t take any risk. Law is irrelevant here as it is in any decision that a criminal makes.

Very interesting, guys. But way to rational here to have a good picture of this debate.
So, I guess a good way to keep guns in rational people, not talking about outlaws who will do whatever it takes, will be the European way.
-Go to your city hall for gun permit application.
-City hall investigate any background and deny/allow
-If allowed, go to your police officers shooting training warehouse.
-Get your 6 months training using on-site guns, trained by police officers trainers.
-Pass your shooting exams
-Ask your gun permit at your city hall with your exam paperworks.
-Buy your gun at the location indicated on your permit presenting your city hall permit.
-Registered your guns number and amunition.
-Enjoy your guns

I guess it makes sense…

Well that’s just a bit silly (of the government that is)

We have background checks in the US. In PA every time you buy a gun from dealer (or have to transfer a handgun from person to person via a dealer - ‘long guns’ are exempt) they do what’s called a PICS check. It’s a phone call to the state police db … and they either approve the sale, deny it or put it into ‘discovery’ (which means you can’t have the gun until they call back)

To get a LTCF (license to carry firearms) you go through your county sheriff, they do a background check on you through the FBI and you have to have two character references.

To get an FFL (federal firearms license) you have to go through the ATF with an extensive background check

Finally to be able to buy a “Class 2” weapon (fully auto machine gun, short barreled rifle or suppressors) you have to be fingerprinted, approved by your local police chief or sheriff, submit all that to the ATF along with a $200 ‘stamp tax’ (been the same fee since the 1920’s BTW) and wait 6 months while they do an exhaustive background check … and you have to do this each and every time you buy one of these items.

So it’s not like you just walk into a store and walk right out with a gun.