Apple's new product - the iPad! Wow

Time to use the power of Social media to drive a change the ipad name campaign. Hope Apple will responds to customers requirement

I think you should not make fun of this…

yawn was my reaction as well. but i’m not apple’s target audience either. if i was inclined, i’d want the full OSX on it, not the iphone OS. and I really don’t like iTunes, which to me this device seems to be the reason for. the ipad just doesn’t have anything to offer for me, that i can’t get out of my netbook running Ubuntu (without a data plan to boot).

I think this Ipad is a really big failure, in in Europe everybody speaks about it in the negative way. They just can’t be always on the top, Steve is human after all

Hello, i need of more info about iPad
Please give me more information and live review with video or etc

Anything else? “iPad video review” or a similar query typed into your favourite search engine will likely give you what you’re looking for.

With the price quoted on the Apple website for the basic 16B model ($499 USD) that works out at about £311.58. Now ignoring the touch screen access (which might get annoying to use for long things such as sending many emails, writing blog entries, forum posts, etc). For that amount I could get a netbook with a reasonable spec that could be more useful and probably cheaper. The battery life might be a bit shorter but chances are that the battery would be removable you you could just shut down, swap the batteries over and restart.

Has anyone at SitePoint HQ got their hands on one yet? If so, what do they think of it?

It’s not for sale for another 2 months

We need Kanye to say “Europeans don’t like the iPad”

I’ma let ya finish, but netbooks have the best features of all time. of all time!

I’m surprised (but not shocked) by the amount of negativity for the iPad on here.

I was underwhelmed initially too, thinking along the same lines as most of these posts, “it’s just a big iPhone”, “what does it do that a Macbook/iPhone can’t” but I that’s the point, for people (techies) like us that have Smart Phones, Netbooks, Laptops etc. it doesn’t have many uses. It’s not for us.

It’s for your parents, your grandparents, your kids, your younger siblings, those who don’t spend most of their day on computers creating content. Those who want to consume content, maybe watch some videos, send a few emails, write a document or two, those who don’t “get computers” or think their complicated. I honestly think it’s where consumer devices are heading, you only have to look at the ease of use of the iPhone to see how that’s taken off.

I see it as a coffee table device. Mum wants a recipe, picks it up, finds it and cooks something. Their kid plays a couple of games on it, maybe watches a video. Dad sends an email, browses the web for a bit, show’s some photos to Mum. That’s where it’s aimed at, not you, not me, everyone else and they’ve done it in a simple, Apple-esque way.

The only major omissions for me are multi-user support and a front-facing camera - would be a perfect device for Skype.

Multitasking is the main thing that most people probably fault it for, for example they can’t be listing to music whilst they are surfing the net, reading an ebook, etc. They would have to use an iPod at the same time.

It would have been better if it had a DVD drive then DVDs could be watched on it, mobile internet is not always cheap.

It’s a pretty device, but a bit limited. Apple tends to be a bit stingy… and they are no doubt holding back a lot of features so they can put them in the next versions to make us want to upgrade… like card slots etc.

I’ve realized that my disappointment really stems from a desire for laptops to be simpler. I find them a bit clunky, and don’t see why the main features of a laptop can’t be fitted into something like this. (So I disagree with Steve about having a middle device.)

Imaging OS X on this thing, with a proper hard drive, multi tasking, DVD slots etc. Man, I’d ditch the laptop in a jiff. Hopefully one day we’ll see an iPad Pro… (Hmmm. But I dought we will.)

I need one.

An ideal solution would be for a laptop with a screen which could be turned and moved to rest against the bottom of the laptop with the screen facing out and for the screen to be a touch screen.

We’ve had those for years… even multitouch. Here’s mine:

HP TouchSmart. The ugly battery is for extended use, there’s a smaller one that doesn’t stick out.

Dan, what’s the battery life like on that?

2-3 hours, 4+ with an extended life battery, it’s no Apple :wink:

I was very impressed when I first saw the Mag+ concept

The iPad didn’t impress me as much. As others have said we have devices for watching movies, sending email, listening to music, viewing photos. I think there is room for a good eBook reader. I find it unnecessary.

If they become quite popular i’d probably get one so I can serve stuff to those users.

If they had OSX (the proper version) and USB support I would have been the first at the front of the queue. I’ve considered getting a Mac because there’s loads of much better apps than Windows offers (quality wise), especially in web design. If they had made it like the Macbook Air (with multi-touch support minus the keyboard) it would have been much better - that at least had USB support and was a pretty decent lightweight option. If I want something that’ll play apps from the app store, I’ll buy an iPhone, it’s smaller, works well and is the true essence of portable computing. Buying something bigger only has two advantages… if you are an iPhone / iTouch gamer OR if you want a Kindle alternative which does a better job - and in that sense it will probably be a success, but I fall into neither category. :slight_smile: