Apple's new product - the iPad! Wow


Not convinced that ergonomically it’s any good, or that it scores sufficiently highly in portability (it’s too big for a pocket).

There’s a reason your monitor is vertically orientated, while your keyboard isn’t. You’d not necessarily enjoy using a vertical monitor with a vertical keyboard that you had to stretch out your arms constantly to, or have your display flat out on a desk.

If you watch most people interacting with hand held devices /smartphones like the iphone, they don’t lay them down flat on a desk, it’s normally one handed hand held/cupped in one hand, operated with the other. Now supersize this device and make it a lot heavier, are you going to enjoy reading/watching movies/surfing on this for hours?

I’f I had to choose a device for watching movies/reading/surfing for hours I would go for a netbook or average spec laptop over an iPad as they would be better value for money and more practical, both to use and for transportation and storage. Also laptops (I don’t know if netbooks are able to) can be connected upto an external monitor or TV for watching films.

For quick surfing on the net i would probably go for a pda.

my eeePC has an external monitor plug (vga only though).

True, a Netbook does seem more logical. The Kindle could capitalize on this, by reducing the price of the Kindle to $199, they would sell fast and become a eBook standard.

Would they? Lots of people think the Kindle is technologically neat, but I don’t know anyone that isn’t a heavy reader and would actually pay hundreds of dollars for a one. “Heavy book readers” is not a huge category in modern society. If you only buy 3 $9.99 paperbacks a year, why are you going to spend 20 times that for an ereader? With an iPad or a netbook, you can do a lot more than just read books.

I agree with this 100%. I love gadgets and I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these. But I agree that the target market isn’t “us”. Once my parents see this, they’ll love it.

That is too funny

Back in my day (cue cranky old woman stuff) we said the same thing about the iPod.

Apple are really good at identifying a market before you do.

Hackaday’s thoughts on iPad:

Some say, that with iPad Apple wants to enter healthcare industry:

For elderly people this product might be better:

To me the iPad is a great device for reading pdf magazines. I do this on a laptop right now, but the option to rotate the screen 90degrees and have a full page in my hands is awesome. Sure there are other devices that do this, but they’re not as slick looking/feeling.

I really wanted to love this…

I love my little iBook, I like my ipod and the iphone a lot - but this… doesn’t really feel like it’s needed in it’s current form. It doesn’t make life easier.

Lack of connectivity, OSx and flash really kill it unfortunately. I don’t like the idea of a backlit e-book - too hard to read compared to my Sony Touch. It’s just too limited at the moment.

I look forward to the next version which will hopefully put right some of these issues.

Office Hardware January 29, 2010 7:34 AM
Five Reasons Not to Get an iPad Too Soon - By Tony Bradley

I think there’s a real potential marketplace for it as a gaming device (ironically), there’s no gaming devices which function on the basis of touch sensitivity (well the DS does have the stylus but that’s totally different), there’s thousands of games in the app store which will all work on it, and because it’s scaled up it’ll be a more engaging experience. If it’s usable as both a gaming device, video player and kindle style book reader, it could hook into several markets. :slight_smile:

It’s totally Overpriced!!! My Dell Axim X30 which I purchased in 2004 was costing less than 200 pounds then and will cost nowadays something around 50 pounds. It does much more than iPad does. Look, for a $1000 you will get decent MacBook which you could use as professional music recording studio or professional video editing suite.
Even my new Windows 5.0 CE netbook is total crap for 100 pounds, for 250 pounds I could buy a decent netbook with Windows 7 in it.

hehe very funny.

Why the iPad’s lack of multitasking is a GOOD thing


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That was quick…!