Best Hosting for Developers?

I’ve tried many different hosts out there, and I’ve been browsing for a new host for some time, and I can’t find a great host for Web Developers.

By that I mean something that grants plenty of access (SSH, cPanel, phpMyAdmin), allows you to install your own scripts on it (SVN, etc), has decent bandwidth and storage capacities, but isn’t too expensive.

Also something that isn’t bogged down with all that “free junk” that you get on most hosting packages, automated scripts to install software and such.

Anyone know of a good host with these criteria, or just a good host for web developers in general?

For starters, you’ll probably have to look at dedicated hosting, rather than shared hosting.

I believe reselker account would be the best option for you and for your customers.

I think VPS Hosting would be a good solutions at the most.

I agree with esds, a VPS will give you the right amount of control over your hosting environment while keeping costs moderate.

Also something that isn’t bogged down with all that “free junk” that you get on most hosting packages, automated scripts to install software and such.

Typically, that doesn’t cost you anything, and won’t bog down the server. You can simply choose not to use those features.

So you want a great service, lots of functionality / resources and a cheap price?

Not going to happen (or maybe I am just skeptic), there’s a general rule of thumb that when you pick a web host (or anything else in life) you can’t expect a “perfect” deal. Essentially pick the two things you want most from that list and that’s what you can expect. When you want something that comes with all the decent trimmings and a premium level of support… you need to pay for it (which backs up the discussion of VPS or Dedicated in preference to shared hosting) :slight_smile:

Great service + lots of functionality and resources = expensive
Great service + cheap price = less functionality and resources
Lots of functionality and resources + cheap price = less than stellar service.

I didn’t say a cheap price, just good value for the money.

Does anyone have any specific hosting company recommendations as well?

I totally agree with Alex, there’s no ‘free lunch’ in hosting. A 4th parameter he could add to the service / resources / price equation is ‘sustainability’.

If you see a host that claims to offer all 3, then they’re either gambling by overselling, cutting corners on hardware, or running at minimum or no profitability, all of which ultimately lead to a lack of long term business sustainability.

Regarding VPS, a lot of VPS hosts are unmanaged i.e you are the sysadmin responsible for maintenance and configuration - they’ll only provide support on account and network connectivity. If this is all you need and then worth looking at Linode as a VPS vendor, I’ve found them to be extremely reliable and professional, and have some good bespoke features plus a range of data centres available.

Does anyone have any specific hosting company recommendations as well?

I’ve been using a Liquidweb managed VPS for a while now. Works like a swiss clock.

If you decide to go with them, check out the latest offers/coupons they have at in the advertising area.

Reseller account is what I recommend. easy management and easy control

Another vote for Liquidweb. I also like Mediatemple and RackspaceCloud. However RSC doesnt offer SSH.

I think having reseller account with hand on support will be the best option for you to go

you could try, netfirms, justhost, just to give a few examples, they have excellent service and very good prices (run around 5 dollars per month), look for web hosting reviews if you need more info mate

I would recommend you to choose a fully managed VPS as most of the applications required are already installed and you will get support round the clock which is very essential. However, the most important benefit for you will be the root access provided with it which will allow you to install the applications you need :slight_smile:

If you are not thinking for a reseller service, then using VPS from LW definitely worth to give a shot. They have Level 3 support included with each product, so it would be better if you are not well aware about the server management. And their network is fantastic as well :wink:

I have been using SliceHost for VPN hosting, and am really happy with their service. They offer good value for the price (IMO).

Go for free host if you are beginner. There are many free host like freehostia, 000webhost or else try . It is great platform to begin with for beginners.

try a Dreamhost account. it does what you require (even allows to create different Unix users and assign domains/subdomains to them - handy when outsourcing parts of a project) and works fine when the server your account ends on is not very crowded.

As far as Developers are concerned Reseller Hosting is the best option for them, If you have plenty of websites to host you can buy a Dedicated Servers and host all your sites there :slight_smile:

I host all my websites with Yahoo. I register as a new user each time which qualifies me for a free domain with my hosting and about $9 a month with some great features.