Best start for content?


while writing content, what will be the impressive way to start?

Usually with lots of gunshots, blood and screaming!

But of course, it depends on what the content is about. If you are writing business or sales content, perhaps this is not the best beginning. It really depends on what you are writing, so you’d need to give some kind of example or context. :slight_smile:

The best place to start in writing content is to actually work out what it is you are writing about and to make sure you actually know the subject well enough to be able to write content about it.

And don’t forget the needs of your audience…

While writing content focus not only on the needs of your targeted audience but the benefits it will be given to the users. Make it interesting and be creative to produce a signature in your story.

To write content you need five steps

  1. firstly, Have a topic to write about.
  2. Research on that topic and gain more and more knowledge.
  3. Write to the point.
  4. Make a relationship with the audience with your feelings.
  5. Connect with the audience so that you can know what they think about your post.

thanks to all for guidance.

The best way to start writing content is to just start writing it. What’s your topic? Get all your ideas on the screen. Then look them over and see if you 1)Have said all you wanted to say 2) have said too much 3) read through your paragraphs and realign your thoughts. Be sure that you haven’t added something to the end that would be better at the beginning, etc. At this point you will see the pieces of your puzzle begin to form a complete picture and you will know exactly how you want the piece to begin.

One VERY important thing to remember is to not make your content long because you think it’s good SEO.

In order to check the quality of your content you should submit your articles on and if you get approved then your articles are good enough to publish on virtually any site on the internet but if your article get rejected then you will be notified what is the reason behind this, it can be due to bad grammar or spelling mistakes or some other thing that you need to work on. Keep on trying and when your acceptance rate on ezine nearing to 100% , this is the time when you are about to rule the web with your quality content.

After observing the blogs then you will get huge idea about article writing…Although I have to say something to you. You need to analyze keyword by google planner tool. You may try to click it.I think you will get a better idea…Best of luck.

This is the poorest advice I have ever read. Adding your original content to an article farm is SE unwise and will do nothing for your reputation as a good writer. There is tons of trash on article sites that have not been properly spell or grammar checked.

Moreover, why submit your original content to a third party to approve it unless you will be paid for doing so? There are dozens of free online grammar/spell checkers available and dozens of both free and paid software packages available for download.

A good and impressive way to start content writing can be to start with an interesting descriptive of the problem you are going to write about.You may start with some question about it or some incident that makes reader think about your content to follow.
That, certainly, will make your reader to read whole of your article with full attention.

I agree that there are lots of article sites with very low quality content but you will not fine any trash in ezinearticles. You can try it yourself, I guess you don’t have any experience working on ezinearticles otherwise you will not post such comment here. The software will not work 100% correctly when it comes to check grammar/spelling checking, it has to be done manually.

After twelve years in this business, I’ve had plenty to do with ezine articles, especially when they posted my ripped content under one of their member’s names. Why you would suggest that someone put their original work on any article farm merely to have their grammar checked is beyond my comprehension. Google penalizes content they find on farms and posting on one of them is certainly no way to build expertise or credibility as a writer.

True, content checkers make some mistakes but they catch they major ones. Just like anything, if you disagree with something they have tagged, you need to make your own decision and there are plenty other credible resources on the web that can help you learn to do that.

  • Take a writing course or test at Brainbench.
  • Take the time to look through the AP manual of style.
  • Take advantage of sites like Purdue’s Owl.

Although writing well takes talent, it is basically a skill that just about anyone can improve upon. But it takes work. There are no easy roads. Shortcuts only serve to cut yourself short in the end.

One of the best ways to get started writing high quality and impressive content is to make a few key decisions. You need to first identify who you are writing for and secondly determine what that audience wants to read, what is important and captivating to that audience. Another big consideration is the length of what you are writing. The flow of information in today’s world is enormous. Decide on a few key elements and elaborate on those making sure you don’t get long winded. Hit the big points and move on because that is what your readers will do.

Capture your reader’s attention in the first sentence or two…

If they are not totally enthralled by the end of the first paragraph, you have an uphill battle.



The presentation of the content is extremely important. Make sure to use powerful words throughout the article/page. Also, make sue of customized images for increasing the readability.

Before you start writing a content ask yourself few questions.
For who you will write, who are your target users, what you will write and what they want… questions like that.

What “powerful words” would those be? How do images increase readability? Images bring focus to different areas of a page, but they do nothing to make content more readable.