Chrome Emulator

Does the Chrome Dev Tools actually emulate the OS from the devices it lists or does it simply display screen size and resolution?



I believe if you use Chrome canary you can get much more than just a screen resizer.

You can find the full details here.

I’ve been meaning to give it whirl but haven’t found the time yet.

The opera mobile emulator is pretty accurate but the best is still the mac iphone/ipad emulator which is 99% accurate.

Thanks Paul. I’ve been using Chrome’s emulator, the mac iphone/ipad emulator and the Android SDK. This gets most of the work done. At the end of the day, it sure is helpful to use a device though.

I haven’t played with Canary either.

You might find this video useful to get the best out of the chrome dev tools.(and this[URL=“”] slightly older video)

Hi! I was reading up on different pages including sitepoint to find out if the Chrome Emulator:

factors in the OS version for Android and iOS?
and more importantly, emulates in html5?

Been looking for a good html5 emulator and found that Chrome had one built in. Considering the cost of services like Browser Stack, I think that it must do something the Chrome emulator cannot.

Would you know the answer to these now? Thanks!