Death to FBML pages

I’m used to using FBML pages, and they normally worked quite well for me, allowing me to put in the normal HTML with the CSS. The trouble is this handy feature has disappeared and any alternatives I find simply don’t do what I want.

Apparently there is a new iFrames Page Tab, which I cannot find. Also found this useful webpage - How To Replace Your Facebook Static FBML Landing Pages, which highlights the death of this handy tool.

On the site I found something called TabEdit which does a really good job. Has anybody faced a similar problem to this, and what alternatives do you use to traditional FBML pages.

It’s very hard to keep up with Facebook with all their changes.

TabEdit actually works very fine. I don’t see any troubles here. Is it bad that they’re constantly updating?

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Is it bad that they’re constantly updating?

When it goes against user experience, then yes. Progress can happen by adapting or changing something gradually over time, not by killing a module completely. Think of those people who are already using FBML pages, what will happen to those pages in 1 or 3 years time? Will they still be supported? Facebook has evolved beyond anything imaginable, and as such it has to take care about changes. It’s changes affect more people than any government could affect, and as such it has to do things carefully.

I personally find facebook information kind of disorganized. I’m not an expert, far from it although I suspect that I will have to become one :lol:

I’ve read that the iFrame was the way to go but, to be honest, I wouldn’t be able to say if I really like them or not. I will have to test TabEdit to have a full, well formed opinon

The feature has disappeared and you can’t do what you want to do anymore. That is unfortunate. The article says that FBML was discontinued and replaced by a younger, faster and more capable iFrames Page Tab. Perhaps the new feature is better. Maybe they should have kept the old feature, so that users could choose whether they want to use the old one or new one.

I just find it fascinating they decided to use a decade long deprecated tag to cover their coding ineptitude.

Thanks to facebook, iframe will no longer be deprecated in the next html version :smiley:

TabEdit is better than the iFrame version. I tested both. TabEdit allows you to put in html code which works very similar to it’s predecessor, however, lacks the simplicity it once had. In my opinion killing modules is something which FB should do with caution. I don’t know if other’s have used any other ways to implement custom facebook pages. For me it’s crucial to be able to edit the code presented.

iframe’s are the devil, it’s true.
But, even if they are deprecated browsers won’t stop supporting them, they’re too helpful in fixing bugs in IE that can’t be solved any other way.

They don’t give any reasons in their article why they’ve gone with iframe’s, my guess is because it’s a sand box and it’s harder to break the rest of the page.
Less maintenance for them.

It’s also a much simpler method and means people can actually do more than they could previously, as they have full control over what goes in there.

Which is really the most reasonable explanation for it.

No risk of it ending up being messed up by the code of the page it’s in, and no chance of it messing up the page you put it in.

With iFrames you can post websites on Facebook pages,earlier, you could only show images on Facebook.Thats a big leap for Social Marketing !!

So, is FBML “Face Book Markup Language” and, if so, is it as scary as it sounds?

FBML is very easy, if you know HTML then it’s identical, just with a few special parameters.

I was lead to believe that Facebook phased out the FBML for landing pages in March. However I did find out that you can still create landing pages with the facebook developer’s kit. You just add the Facebook developer’s kit to your site and you get to use their API. Anyone have any insight to this? Thanks!

Here you go - this is what you need. iFrames don’t get any easier than this.

you will no longer be able (or be required) to use FBML for Facebook tabs (old FBML will still work, for awhile…). Instead Facebook pages will have content loaded in iFrames and can be developed using standard web conventions such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and even HTML5 and Flash. This is news every designer, developer and marketer should know.

I am just setting up a facebook business page and was just about to experiment with FBML then I came here and read that it is being depreciated. What are the alternatives? Anything really simple and easy to use for example??

Sure thing. It’s being replaced with iFrames. Check out the app that I linked to 2 posts up.

Sega gives a good article that speaks precisely about it. The replace for FBML static is iFrames.

The guy even built his own solution to created them
TabEdit on Facebook | Facebook

thanks for the super-quick replies! I will experiment with tabedit - looks really easy to use as well. :slight_smile: