Do you believe in ghosts?

No definitely not! ha

Not really, there’s a vague fuzzy wierd photos, videos and tape recordings etc none of which prove anything ata ll or we wouldn’t be having this conversdation.

You forgot that I only posed that question because ghosts can walk through walls. Since they apparantly don’t interect with matter in the same way we do I’m wondering what keeps them on the earth.

I didn’t get a legitimate answer, I got what could at best be called speculation.

‘failry indisputable’ - even while using the word indisputable you’re qualifying it because you know that there is NO indisputable evidence to suport the existence of ghosts.

Neither am I, I’m trying to get a logical response to the question ‘what are ghosts made of’. It’s questions like that one that pierce the fog of wishful, thinking that surrounds issues like this and get people thinking about it properly.

My point was that see things that are real, all the time. We consider them ‘real’ because of that and take them for granted. If ghosts were real, it would be the same for them, we’d see them all over the place and we’d take them for granted.

Unfortunately this does touch on religion because one reason animals wouldn’t have ghosts is if they didn’t have souls, but that would contradict the idea that ghosts are just ‘energy’…hmmm conundrum

I would call it interesting and worthy of further study but real proof can be replicated and that would be the acid test for your scenario.

That’s good because unless you can prove that there isn’t one then we have to keep an open mind about it right?

Maybe not, I was lumping that program in with all the other psychic/medium type garbage that pollutes our airwaves.

:lol: This stuff cracks me up, a cup moves on a shelf and it’s a ghosts trying to communicate wuth us… :rofl:

In their case, it’s actually in their interests to occasionally debunk stuff, makes them look more credible.

Why not? I should respect someone just for having an opinion? What if the opinion is stupid. There’s a prevailent attitude currently that we shouldn’t attack other’s view points, I’m not allowed to mention the source of this view point but ask yourself which organisations benefit most from not having their world view questioned?


this is sooo spooky Matty - I was thinkin about posting a topic like this ages ago before I went on hols a week or so ago!

My bf and I are similiar to how you described yourself and your partner in the sense that we both have the same interests and hobbies; one of these are ghost hunting! We have visited many places around Ireland and have yet to venture further than that :lol: We definitely believe in the paranormal and have pictures to prove it! :eek2:

Orbs and ghostly images are some of the evidence we have collected over time! We’re going to get into some video ghost hunting in the summer, which should prove fun :lol: I’ve always been a skeptic but a recent visit a year or so ago to a Castle in Ireland that was featured on the programme Most Haunted (uk version) changed my mind big style! We got a tour of the castle with these 3 other “druids” who happened to want a tour also, so there was only 5 of us! Anyways, we were all going around taking pictures etc and there was this black cat that kept following us around, I cant stand cats the best of times and yet they always come over to me, ugh! Anyway, when we got back outside we took more pictures of the castle and the grounds etc, when we got back and put the pics on the computer we were astounded at what we found, we saw lots of orbs - like balls of light in places where there was no light coming in and alot around that freaky cat! But the icing on the cake was an image of a little girl standing at one of the windows looking out at us, very very weird considering a little girl fell to her death down one of the staircases in the castle! Ever since then I’ve had an open mind to this sort of thing and definitely believe in ghosts! :ghost: I dont really care if anyone believes our pictures or our account of what happened but I sure as hell do and it freaks me out no end! I’m one of those ppl who needs to see it to believe it, so this was proof positive for me as they say on tv :lol: definitely a believer!

Orbs in photos are generally just dust, I imagine a castle would be pretty dusty.

Post the pic of the “girl”

Why is it that there are so many people who are willing to believe in things for which there’s no credible evidence or can believe something because of something they saw but can’t explain? So many people willing to fill the gaps in their knowledege or understanding with mumbo jumbo and superstition in the absence of actual knowledge.

It’s funny that I’ve been accused of not having an open mind, far from it. I’ll stay skeptical but open minded until I’m provided with more proper evidence, not unsupported situationally dependent first hand accounts, photographic evidence that isn’t obviously someone’s breath on a chilly night in a new england graveyard or strange noises on a tape recording.

I keep saying it, if ghosts were real we’d see them all the time just like we see things that ARE real all the time. What’s the reason we don’t see angels, the lock ness monster, sasquatch, yeti and numerous other legendary creatures all the time? Easy, they’re not real.

i can’t say i believe in ghosts, but i believe there are people who believe in ghosts. I also believe that there are things that’s harder to explain than other, and some things just can’t be explained.

a friend of mine, once came home from work, and on the way home (he walked) an old man comes up to the road from his house, and asks how it went on work this day. just like he used to do every day.

when my friend came home his wife told him that the old man passed away the night before.

The problem here is that my friend is a trustworthy man, who never lies or talks bs. so something must have happend that evening. the question is: what?

i have a lot of stories, but no evidence, and of course questions, but i guess some things are not ment to be explained.

a few years ago, i walked for hours to reach an abandoned village, and camped on the cemetary. i had a tent and a sleepingbag and was looking for some ancient russian graves from an old legend. the night was dark with a full moon and the stars was shining. i was sitting outside the tent drinking coffee, with a small fire, and the clock turned midnight… and 01, then 02, and 03 and i went to sleep and… nothing happened. nothing at all! it was so disappointing, because i’ve heard so many stories from that village.

Did i expect something to happen ? no, i didn’t :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you suggesting that the Loch Ness Monster and Yetis aren’t real?

Them’s fighting words!

Because they like it. They get an emotional “charge” out of it. It’s like alcohol - fun when used in moderation, but poisons the mind if used in excess. Why do people get drunk? They’re addicted.

You can argue with them all day long, reason will not change a belief. Any arguments and appeal to logic is pointless.

I’ll pooch out the picture tke :tup: I know what ur saying about the orb stuff, but of all the places the orbs were it was around that cat, which happened to be running up and down the stairs like a lunatic, i.e the stairs where that little girl fell to her death…really bizarre to me - im not saying its a ghost or light anomaly/orbs, just not sure how to classify it but its just very odd that of all the places it appears it just so happens to be around the cat or on the stairs

@JJ - I wasnt willing to believe in it until I saw something for myself, like i said I was skeptical - but when I saw that girl in the picture it really freaked me out, she wasn’t there when we were standing infront of the castle, we were looking at the windows etc, we wouldve noticed it big time, it was just very odd and a weird feeling within that place fullstop, its my experience I guess and thats all, whether others believe it or not is not something that interests me :wink:

As for the sasquatch/yeti/chupacabra, it is our intentions my bf and I to hunt for these in due course :rofl: :rolleyes: Seriously…we’ll bring you a body for proof ok? :smiley:

so everyone who gets drunk is addicted now… that’s quite some statement :smiley: i hope this is not your real opinion :lol:

Haha - yes :stuck_out_tongue:

How about an alternative “un-ghostly” explanation, like (see cat fur)

In other words, the static charge that cat fur had attracted dust particles.

Or even scrap that (because I’m a lousy physicist and dunno if that’s actually the case). But a running cat raises dust, does it not?

A rolling stone attracts no moss

Maybe but I’m compulsively persistent about that sort of thing, I’ll basically argue with you until you agree with me or you change my mind. Anything less is a failure to resolve the issue and I hate that. My IRL friends should be glad that I mostly get it out of my system online :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’d never heard of ghosts would you be so quick to reach the decision that that’s what you saw? If you’d never heard of ghosts you’d probably just assume it was some little girl who you dind’t notice when you took the picture but came to the window just as you were taking it. Instead, maybe because of where you were and the reason for your visit and the company you were in you were perhaps a little susceptible to the suggestion that the explanation is paranormal when it’s much more likely to be be quite down to earth.

If you’d been on a tour of Old Trafford football ground and took a picture of the stands and noticed when you got home that there was a little girl in one of them who you hadn’t noticed at the time, would you immediately assume it was a ghost? Really, the point isn’t even what the actual explanation is, it’s how easily you’ve accepted an explanation for which there’s no supporting evidence just because you can’t explain what you saw.

The cat wasn’t running just strolling along, its just odd I mean we were moving around also and took pictures of each other, surely if it was that dusty we’d have captured some of those “dust” particles within the snapshot of ourselves…but it just seemed to be around the cat or on the staircase, I think we’ll revisit it again with a video camera and see if we can get something else :scratch:

Point taken JJ, but this girl is sort of see through in the picture, if it was just a girl running around or just happened to be at the window - grand i’d say it was just a child but on closer inspection its very transparent, just looks ghost like to me, I’ll pooch it out and post it up and you can see what im referring to - it just looks out of place and to see the face looking at us without us knowing at the time is very unsettling to say the least :shifty:

If those beliefs are emotion based (which is why they ignore reason), a strong emotional shock might do the trick. Or get them drunk. :lol:

They are dust particles. There’s no difference why and where they appear on camera - they are still the same dust particles. Your irresistible urge to add ghosts to the equation is exactly what I mean by beliefs and emotions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just want to say thanks for those who’ve shared their stories and kudos to everyone for keeping the discussion on topic and not letting it degrade into a sledging match—it can be tempting to become overly feisty when debating stuff like this, but I appreciate everyone’s restraint and manners! Personally, it’s been a great read.

Can’t wait to see this picture.

Yeah it almost got like that, I skirted the line but we held it together! I love discussions like this.

I always suspected you wore skirts…