Do you work from home?

I also work from home and it also works for me. I get to spend more time with my kids and attend to their needs, things i cannot do when working at a typical office.

I also work from home. But if you do work from home you need great Responsibility and self determination.

its really like a tough job working in home all day work in office after that i can’t imagine work from home.

From 2003 to 2009 I worked at home every Monday and Friday, and since 2010 I alternate my Fridays between teleworking and being in the office. For me telecommuting is critical because:

  1. It’s really tough for me to focus on coding when someone stops into my office every 15 minutes and asks me about:
  2. Today’s problem with his home PC
  3. Which AntiVirus he should be using
  4. How to use a flash drive
  5. How to set up a projector in the conference room
  6. Which laptop he/she should buy for his/her kid
  7. While not as bas as ParkinT, my commute is not fun. 10 min drive to the train station, 1hr 10min train ride, 15 min walk.

I managed to build our office’s CMS at home during my telework days. I doubt I’d have gotten it done without them because of all the distractions. That said, I have no kids and a very nice home office that’s somewhat isolated from the rest of the house, with a nice view through a bay window of the park/pond out back.

It’s easy to relax and focus when you see this out the window:

My work phone gets forwarded to my cell phone, and I can access my work PC via remote desktop. We also have an inter-office messenger program. So really the only difference is where my body is physically sitting. I defenitely would not have taken this job had it not been for the ability to telecommute.

i’m work at home as e-commerce website in fashion field :slight_smile:

@cydewaze; that’s a nice view for sure :slight_smile:

Maybe that’s a good idea for a new competition: the view from your (home) office window.

Though I don’t work from home but I really like the idea of working from home and am searching for some home-based job too. I think it would be ore flexible for me to work from home and efficient too. So, I personally like the idea of working from home.

I would enjoy working from home, but not all the time. Perhaps one or two days a week. I’d feel much more flexible. But it’s good to have a reason to get up and go outside in the morning and meet other people.

or maybe just: the view from a window… to keep it broad.

I also work in a farm as a PA. Its only 2 hour everyday and fully online base

Ideally you would like a bit of both - some work from home and some conferring with colleagues once or twice a week.

Yes I am. Working at home feels great! I love what I’m doing and writing article feels me so complete!

working from home i find to be less productive, too many distractions plus i need the social interaction with others

i love your idea… me too working on all i,ii,and iii the difference is i m working for 1.5yrs now

YES, I am also doing work from home

its multitasking kind of thing for me
i used to handle some of my site at first now a days along with my studies i handle project and now planning to setup my own company

I love to work at home, but I just cannot concentrate on the work. :frowning:

I just wanted to state this for the record.

“I frickin’ love internet marketing”

I think I have finally found out ‘what I want to be when I grow up’ . It only took 34 years. Not bad. SO yes, I am now working primarily form home. There is no glamour for me just yet, just good, honest, productive hard work

I recently took a change of direction and moved away from affilaite marketing into product development and I think I have long term aspirations of teaching.

I have been writing a personal blog about the change of direction and have found it liberating. I’d love your feedback. The blog is not selling anything, you can view it at <snip>link deleted</snip>

I’m even relishing the back against the wall motivation that quitting my day job on the 31st december this year brings!

Life is good right now.

Yes, there are so many advantages to working on site. The expense is what gets me. Driving, parking, eating, wardrobe…they are all important, but devour your income. I do like the privacy and less interruptions. Now this week was interesting, because we had a huge ice/snow storm that took out power for days. I was most pleased about not having to even consider getting out into traffic. It wasn’t so good when the power was out, but everyone even on site were affected by this. I’m enjoying the opportunity to work from home. Thanks for the great topic and all the input from everyone!