Facebook has changed again!

fortunately i didn’t change my profile to be a timeline mode, it’s complicated…

I updated our SitePoint page to Timeline last week. I really like the new look. It’s taking some getting used to, but aside from the slightly annoying page filters, I think it’s great.
Check out our SitePoint page here.
Or, for an artier look, check out our Design Festival page.

Don’t worry, it will change its self in the next few weeks :smiley:

Nice discussion. Facebook is adding new features most often into profile and business pages. Now we can know our customers and visitors more accurately than before.

Facebook apps need only ask permission once to share stories on your behalf. Although not as big a deal as the Timeline, this tweak may be one of the more controversial. Previously, apps had to ask every time they shared information about you in your profile. Now, the first time you authorize the app, it will tell you what it’s going to share about you.

Facebook nowadays is one of the top social network in the internet. Many investors and businessman advertise their products through this network…I like their new timeline now. It’s look unique and great for all members. Their changes made me impress because it’s the way of showing attractive to users and not boring…

In addition to what I had just posted, I would want to know if there’s a way to go back to the old setting before Timeline came in?

Automation tempts fate but in social, gimmicks don’t last long.

Under the timeline system people give pages permission to share what they want exposed in a less invasive [in the ticket & their timeline only] and less cumbersome manner. This can be a win for them in showing their connections and interests but no means is an invitation for the page simply to go wild. Facebook makes it clear that you can’t post unless something happens and that the something should correspond to a user’s expectation but it’s more than that… people should know that what they are doing will post and they should have an easy way to change that.

In the timeline apps I’ve worked on we’ve either left the control as an option (optout) during an action or, worst, confirmed the it after a share takes place. Social is about transparency and there’s no long term win in pulling one over on your user when they hold all the keys.

Facebook has announced that this is a global rollout. All brand pages change by the end of this month.

The Timeline is Going to be the ultimate change for the Facebook!! This new change has got many positive and negative responses!!! Additionally it is being said that these changes will be permanent!!

I see a lot of people trying to look for ways to dodge the Timeline update. I know that the timeline looks a bit cluttered at first glance, but there’s also this part of me that looks at it as some sort of a creativity contest. HAWK, the pages look good, by the way. I’m liking the cover photos. Anyway, back to that point about the creativity contest. If you’re going to look at other brands that have already changed their page to the new Facebook Timeline, they’ve already taken advantage of the cover photo, and I do think that this is also a good chance for people to use this as a place where they can put up a really good call-to-action.

Facebook is making another redesign yet again that is in the process of being rolled out to current members. Hopefully the design is not completely overwhelming. Instead, it focuses on improved site navigation. With the all of new changes that Facebook has gone through in the past year or so, many members are skeptical about the new redesign.

The new timeline feature of facebook is a bit confusing. I have not tried it in my profile but I have seen my friends using timeline. I got very confused.

If the timeline will be forever then i think it can make some Problem to many Famous Page. Actually Not only in Page but also personal facebook ID.
However though the Tome line is Nice and Awesome to see in personal ID but not good for Page.
Wish it will be Change Soon.

I’d absolutely disagree that this is a bad change for companies…

What timeline does is forces businesses to be more interactive while removing the allure of making social into a big marketing billboard. That’s a good thing for most companies although there’s a learning curve in switching.

For example, take a look at the new Old Spice page which is arguably the best example of their brand story right now and best of all, it’s completely validated by people. A company is just as much a story as a person.

While Old Spice has a big team working on this, the great thing is that anyone can do the same. Every brand has an identity and really the smaller you are, the more that can be played up which is to your benefit in a world that’s based on finding those who are experts over those who just stock another sku or sell another app.

I also don’t want that timeline… Many big companies used fb today. Social media marketing has really gotten bigger.! >.<

As they say, the proof is in… well the numbers. We’re very very early on in the process but consider these stats from some of the initial big brand conversions [not all are positive of course]:

“A researcher reports that brands are getting an average 46% more engagement with Timeline” … “Schoenfeld’s theory is that the larger images on Timeline are leading to more engagement with visual material”

What this means: what you lose in that default static message you more than gain back with the ability to highlight, pin and draw attention to visual stories and that’s the trick of it visuals whether it’s photos or videos drive harder. Before you judge your results or the change think about the experience not just in terms of the result you want but how a user is going to actually want to behave to get there.

@Ted_S ; I looked at the Old Spice page you mentioned. You couldn’t have given a better example of what Social Media should be for business!
That is quite a page! Very “macho” with a great sense of humor. Obviously they know how to interact with their market to create a following. Just about everyone of their posts is riddled with comments. Almost like a rockstar page instead of a man’s deodorant!

Change is a good thing! they’re progressing, unlike myspace.

Almost like a rockstar page instead of a man’s deodorant!

All it needed was a gorilla high-fiving a shark with explosions in the background.

I’m on a horse.