Facebook has changed again!

Good day! I agree with you for those who have business one way to promote their product or services is through social media like Facebook, yahoo, twitter and etc. For those who have business I think timeline is very big impact to them because they use timeline to post their product or services. But for the personal use like me honestly timeline is no used for me in fact I find it hassle I’m prefer the old Facebook.

You’re right! … many companies used fb today to enhance the exposure of their brands and also most people around the world uses social media as a tool for both enterprise and communication… Timeline does give a hand to those companies… I don’t exactly know how does it work but I guess they’re happy about it considering the profit lift… >.< thanks for your share ted.

Facebook make changes when ever they think they are loosing engagement of users. now after timeline everyone wants to be on Facebook and run business page as a Brand page

I thought Timeline is really helpful on the way of business promotion and on other side is loved by users also. I also love to use Timeline on Facebook. :slight_smile:

Are you saying that the change to Timeline is making Facebook more popular/attractive to businesses? Where have you read this? (curious to know)

I’ll say it. Well, I’d say that it makes it a better offering for businesses who see the benefits and put the time into actually interacting with their customers to grow their actual relationships, find insights and create a culture of wanting to share. Those who are still in the world of build a message, have it acted on, probably would not agree.

facebook and google plus. Both are are doing competition with each other and changing their look.

I see opportunity: some new sites could show up to provide wanted layouts and features that facebook removes.

Maybe some kind of illegal plugin FB tries to remove once they discover someone’s created it.

The cyberpunks are undeterred, and break out the steampunk retro-software packs and shoot lasers at FB-hired air pirates while parachuting to safety on a tropical island where they keep hidden their steam-train-who-turns-into-a-deep-sea-dirigible vehicle.

BTW, videowhisper… you talk to videos in cool accent in a language they understand, and show video owners how to stop their videos from misbehaving stinkily in the house and playing at the neighbours at all hours of the night? That sounds kinda awesome… I want to see the movie, or at least the trailer. With a dubstep soundtrack.

Time line probably wont be the last “change” made. I hear they will be giving some flexibility to custom layouts and such… but still nothing as open as MySpace was. That was just a disaster.

But that has to really suck for firms who created ‘custom’ facebook pages for business and now this weekend ALL will change over to timeline. Major blow!

Actually while there’s the pain of resizing everything timeline gives more space to custom apps. It does remove the default tab but that only showed up to new visitors and truth is the vast majority of interactions are feed based including visits to tabs… so ya, there’s rework, and it’s definitely a pain but it’s giving the more opportunity rather than less.

I don’t agree Facebook’s new look has anti-marketing features. We are still able to do custom page work for our clients out there. Opinion regarding how Facebook looks now, however, may vary… individual difference?

…The changes aren’t that bad…Marketing and custom work can still be done…check out…

Hehe, look at the “profile” pic of Ford on that page… clever! It lines up with the rest of the large image almost perfectly. Sneaky…

Excellent link, Carol.

Well, that’s it, I’m going to have to make some drawings so the profile pic can be shrieking and pointing at the large image of dancing monkeys with submachines guns or something.

The new change in the Facebook is good if consider certain factors!! In the New Timeline feature , we can organize the pictures of events for any particular organization! and the Cover photo is having great benefits of showing something important!! Thanks

check this one – http://imgur.com/mnO58

I just read, Captain Morgan (the company) made a timeline for Captain Morgan (the guy). Humane Society (US) made a timeline of laws affecting animal treatment. The US Army has one of large US battles. Those are all kinda cool. They would be something you’d scroll through for entertainment reasons alone (so now I want to know… what does Fanta have for their WWII years? muhahahaha).

But there are some really creative personal ones:


I hate this change of Facebook. I have to go back on my old profile but its not possible. There is no privacy in timeline.

there is all kinds of privacy in timeline. You can either delete posts or hide them, but it will take a little work.

I think they mean, when the Timeline first rolled out for some people, Facebook gave people a week to decide what would appear in the main timeline and what wouldn’t. But if you don’t use facebook that often and you missed that one-week window, you’re screwed.