Facebook VS Facebook timeline

I liked it when it was basic and simple to use. It changed too frequently now and makes it less user friendly.

Timeline is a new profile of facebook. I don’t like it i like old profile once you get timeline then you can not restore your old profile.

the old fb profile was good as it was. i just don’t understand why they keep on changing it. it gets too confusing for users. we should have a choice of keeping the old profile page or go with the timeline. as what they say, ‘if it ain’t broken, then don’t fix it’…that’s the annoying part of fb. i wont be surprised it will turn out like myspace soon.

i like old style:)

all i can say for facebook’s new timeline is why fix something that isn’t broken i mean its much easier and faster to use the old profile than that of timeline.

I like new time line, bcz I don’t want to go back again :slight_smile:

I like the old facebook page compared to timeline. It’s more user-friendly.

i am still not used to the timeline, i think it takes time for people to get used to it

I hated timeline first too…
But some people really make art or funny things with this timeline.
Of course, it is confusing… but it can be fun for designers.


I wasn’t inspired enough to find something original for mine, yet… so in the mean time, I put a background of a large chocolate cake in detail, very smooth and tasty… so people who visit my profile immediately start drooling.

I agree, they have gone too far. I have chosen not to use it because it allows people(friends) to easily view any part of your history, which sometimes can be a bad thing. Most people will only look at your recent posts, photos etc. However if they start digging up your past then I see more potential for conflict.

Even though the Facebook timeline looks really awesome, I find the old profile page to be more user friendly.

I would prefer old Facebook page. i didn’t like new timeline page.

anybody know how to change back to normal facebook from timeline?

I am not used to this timeline feature, that’s why not familiar with it. But adding a banner in the space of timeline is a great idea.

Timeline is just a great feature added in facebook. Time-line helps a lot to be in touch with friends with more interactive way and gives in-formations of your friends activities in real time. And my friend noranorma101 i want to tell you that time-line is not the reason for privacy leakage, it was the technical problem in facebook site that causes problems in facebook site for some time being.

I don’t think soo.FaceBook timeline seems very confusing…I love Old Facebook.that is very user friendly,

Is it possible if I want to use the older Facebook version rather then using timeline???
I tried a lot but didn’t find any option for deactivating the timeline.

I like the timeline for the fan pages…

For fan pages yes, for personal profiles not so much.

Though, timeline looks neat, I’m really not into it. For the simplest reason that it takes time to load. My friends used it, but not me. I prefer the old classic one. Easy to navigate and the loading time doesn’t give you a frustrating pain.