Forum Upgrade and Changes

Yeah. Three trouble icons are

:p :D and :shifty:

(that I know of w/out testing).

But if you put text under the icons like so:

(p, D, and shifty)

or on the same line:
:p:D:shifty: (p, D, and shifty)

they work fine.

Only if they stand alone do they get buggy:

Looks like it would all be fixed (img emoticons) if you just removed the top:2px from “.postbody img.inlineimg”

I don’t know what that’s used for but just from my brief testing, nothing really seemed to have been affected.

Well done on the change. It’s good to have sitepoint back to how it used to be. Just a couple of concerns for me:

I suggest lining up the sitepoint icon for each forums on the left nav to be more centered with the nav text.
Also I think the featured items spread to far down the page with the left nav finishing too early and there being too much white space.
It’s a long way to scroll to see any statistics or who’s online.

There also seems to be a problem (like with the emoticons) on text with only one line having their bottoms cut off.

I think all that’s changed is the font on the main post (Verdana has changed to Helvetica) but it hasn’t changed in the quotes. Helvetica seems to be smaller than Verdana. (I’ve changed it back to Verdana in my user stylesheet.)

Helvetica seems to be smaller than Verdana.

It is, smaller x-height. Helvetica also doesn’t show the difference between I and l. Though I have Verdana now in this edit box, yay.

Also, I get the same problem as the screenshot posted, except Unanswered is actually wrapping and covering up the breadcrumb instead, so the input is covering Form Actions and Quick Links.

Thanks guys. We’re checking into these things.

I really like the new homepage for the forum.
It gives a better overview than the large spread out topics before.

Thanks Hawk… and thanks for all the hard work :slight_smile:

\o/ for having a forum style similar to how it used to be, back in the day. :slight_smile:

I hadn’t noticed the cropping of the lower case letters :slight_smile: but can confirm I do see them. Can also confirm the wrapping issue.

A couple more bugs, I’m afraid.

In the menu down the left, the “new post in this forum” icon isn’t vertically aligned correctly wrt the text label next to it.

And in that same menu, there needs to be padding on the list items, not increased line-height, to give the vertical separation. At the moment for me, “Website Design & Content - Reviews & Critiques” is wrapping onto two lines, but because there’s extra line height, it looks like they are two separate items.

And finally (it’s a Douglas Adams style “couple”), the “sponsor box” text is going way outside its boundaries and overflowing onto the text below.

Funny, I’m still getting Arial… oh wait… USER.CSS FTW. Of course I HAVE to use a USER.CSS thanks to the total accessibility herpaFreakingDerp of declaring everything in PX… 13px to be precise which is when whoever you have working on the skins for these forums needs to hand in their credentials as a web developer.

I mean when I have to force:

* {
font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif !important;
font-size: 100% !important;
line-height: 140% !important;

… in my user.css to make the site even CLOSE to usable, SOMEBODY out there writing forum skins needs to be put down like Old Yeller. 13px… pfft. Though as everyone else is pointing out, Verdana is significantly larger at the same declaration as any fallbacks, which is why I don’t consider Verdana viable for web deployment in the first place.

Likewise I hate the new forum main page – since I can’t tell which forums have new posts and which don’t. It lacks all the utility of a normal forum index, so I’m basically middle clicking on the categories I care about to pull up useful info. What you have as the main content there should be a sidebar at MOST – and is a colossal step BACKWARDS in how useful the site is and how easy it is to navigate. Thanks guys for the extra click and pageload to see if it’s even worth opening a board area in the first place.

And thank YOU for the rude and aggressive post. I do have to ask why you stick around if you hate everything we do so much…

Regardless, we are in the process of making a further change so that the old homepage is also viewable, if it is your preference.

Since it’s been default on all the skins, I’d say it was a VBull “developer”.

One of the great things about Sitepoint is that you have access to 1000’s of users that can detect where areas need refinement and attention. Nice upgrades and changes across the board despite a few kinks which will almost always crop up with a big system wide change.

Most of hte measurements in vB are in px, yes. They’ve built the forum with a lot of fixed sizes which is i guess why they fix the font size too… so the images / graphics overlay nicely.

To which my response would be what images/graphics – if they can’t figure out how to handle a content auto-resize, they’ve got balls of thunder charging money for it.

Though really that’s vBull in a nutshell… with it’s markup that shows whoever made it doesn’t know enough HTML/CSS to be writing websites in the first place (or needs to pull their head out of 1997’s backside), endless scripted asshattery for Christmas only knows what (though at least it DOES gracefully degrade if you turn that garbage off), etc, etc…

See the 51k of HTML to deliver 6.4k of plaintext without even having any content images of pages like say… The new forum index… much of it being inlined static scripting, pointless/redundant classes on EVERYTHING, inlined style, spans for nothing that couldn’t be applied to the wrapping element (like colors), BLOCKQUOTE around things that aren’t even quotes (seriously, why is “Thread started by so-and-so” a QUOTE?!? CITE maybe…)

View Source… wow, ineptitude of the highest order. Thanks vBull!

vB3 was a horrible mess of tables and nested / nasty layout - the new vB4 was basically porting that to CSS, literally all they appear to have done is convert table, tr and td elements to div / spans and called it “done” - it really isn’t pretty to work with. You should see the template management :smiley:

For consistency with the styling that already exists, I did re-use code, i know its not pretty but I don’t fancy stripping the entire forum back to basics and building a style completely from the ground up for vB - that’d be suicide!

Does remind me of something Dan used to say – the people who made endless nested tables for no reason now just make endless nested DIV.

Sad part is they seem to have even done so to obviously tabular data… switching from tables to nested lists is an improvement how exactly? Really laughable is the use of hidden content to waste time putting text describing the data on every row; basically using content cloaking to do THEAD+TH[scope=“col”]'s job. Sad when their use of lists, div, span and classes is less semantic than the table would have been.

Assuming that they even know what a TH is or what the SCOPE attribute does – which of course you look at the code for vBull 3 and they didn’t.

Yay! I kind of agree with DS. I liked the “latest post” thing…piques my interest. Great redesign (don’t get me wrong), but I wish that the highlighted posts didn’t take up so much space - I go for the sidebar all the time, anyways.
