Forum Upgrade and Changes

Excellent job on the upgrade and i like the homepage change.

I am very happy that Featured Threads are back. This was definitely a highlight of this forum.

I run this site using Opera on a Linux OS and I don’t have any problems. I like the new layout, it is faster to browse the forum categories and the featured posts are great!

Nice job on the volume of work that was needed to get all this done! I can only imagine how much work it was just to migrate the data let alone of stylistically trying to to P-off several hundred of thousands of users.


The bottom of letters getting cut off is still a problem, and it annoys the heck out of me!

Install a custom style sheet with body { line-height: 1.25 !important; }, that solves it :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s what I have. :slight_smile:

Which again, when you have to use user.css to restore basic functionality the site had just a year ago…

We could just wait for Hawk to get around to that particular issue. In the mean time, just don’t use smileys ; - ).

I use Google Translate as a proxy sometimes. Don’t ask me why. :slight_smile:

One thing I noticed, the highlight code bleeds well, below the number of lines set as default for the code box, into the next text that follows, making it impossible to read properly.

There’s no arrow next to the Perl forum.



The arrow should mean that you have unread posts in that forum, so if you’d read everything and there’s nothing new, then there wouldn’t be an arrow there. That’s the way it’s meant to work, but on some of the forums, I find the arrow still appears even though I’ve read all the posts.

it does appear that the missing bottom of letters, in the last line, only effects Chrome? Am i right in that assumption?

Looking into it right now :slight_smile:

Nope :).
Firefox is unaffected, however Chrome, Opera (most recent version) are affected. I checked IE7/8/9, Opera, FF11, and Chrome. I used Timlgoes post above, since in Chrome the “g” gets cut off on the 2nd line.

I’ve never set foot in the Perl forum, much less seen any threads. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever had a non-arrow forum in my career :smiley:


Firefox Mac is certainly affected.


If you don’t “mark forum as read” then you probably won’t, because any threads that you haven’t looked at will remain as ‘unread’ for ever and ever (amen).[/FONT]

Good point. I always wondered what that button was for.


In that case the arrow doesn’t actually mean anything - it’s just a bullet point. Not sure why that one is missing - I’ve noticed it myself - but we’ll get it sorted.

I don’t mark things as read, but Accessibility forum doesn’t has an arrow thingie if I’ve visited it an clicked any bold (unread) threads.

Prolly the only forum I view small enough where I can do that.

Likewise FF11 on Ubuntu.