Google Plus. Thoughts? Experiences?

i have yet to discover the potential of google + , we are already usiing it here for SEO

I’m not a member yet, and I won’t be until I hear real life people talk about it.

At the moment, I’m feeling comfortable with Facebook because my real life friends are there already, and if I would be able to subscribe for google plus and notice that none of my friends are there available at that moment, I wouldn’t be excited and I will possible unsubscribe directly :slight_smile:

At this moment, none of my real life friends I spoke about here in my office, heard about google plus, yet.

It’s some sneaky marketing trick of google to make it first “on invitation”, so the fuzz and gossip about the mysterious thing can get around yet. If they put it online immediately, it wouldn’t have that big effect.

I think its more that they want to work out the bugs in the system before they release it then “some sneaky marketing trick”. Most beta releases are done by invite or subscription so its not really that odd.

couldn’t find out – my invite is worthless as it doesn’t work worth a flying purple fish in my browser of choice – Opera. Why do I have the feeling that if I report it I’ll get the same response we Opera users got back when GMail was new? “Go plow ourselves, **** Opera users” … they said it a bit more politely than that, but nonetheless that was the response.

Of course now it says they’ve “exceeded their capacity”, meaning they didn’t plan enough hosting for the number of invites handed out? Maybe that 33k of markup, half of which is inlined static scripting and CSS for 1.1k of plaintext has something to do with that?

(what the hell is with Google and doing that on EVERY page/site? Just TRYING to double their hosting costs for no good reason? Have they never heard of browser caching models or something?!? Next thing you know they’ll start slapping the same class on every LI and A inside a UL for no good reason – oh wait, too late.)

As I said recently, their current front end coders ineptitude knows no bounds.

Google Plus will grow fast and will give Facebook a run for its money and that’s for sure!

Circles and they way they work is perfect and overcomes limitations of Facebook, if you have friends and work ppl in your Facebook you can’t limit a silly post to your friends only, pps from work will see it as well. This is the most major problem Facebook has at the moment and google plus solves this from day one

Still many things are missing from google plus but it’s far from a complete product, events groups and pages are not there, hopefully google plus will make these better than Facebook

Google has many assets they can use to promote google plus! U are not gonna see like buttons in google searches, +1 is already there thought! Tight integration with other google apps used my millions will surely make g+ easier to use than FB!

Android will play a huge role in promoting G+ since they can integrate it really deep in the OS, Facebook even failed to get tight integration on iPhone since twitter is there in iOS 5 I am sure they were in talks with FB as well but an agreement wasnt reached!

Hopefully google will keep all that crap apps and flash games in Facebook away from google plus and keep it clean, so kids will keep using Facebook for that and grown up will jump on g+, anyone remember hi5? That’s where I see Facebook ending up unless they move fast and step up the game but I am under the impression that they got lost somewhere

P.s drop me an email at with ur name and email and will happily invite you

cough It will possible work best in Google Chrome.
And you probably need a Google account aswel to sign in?

What the… you can just rephrase it positive aswel:
“For me, Facebook was quite userfriendly though… I signed in and it all worked out immediately.
I don’t understand why you have to critique that… there’s a reason why Facebook got so popular. A reason more why children and seniors get easily on Facebook: it’s easy to use.”

Btw,… It’s just a website. It’s not like you’re in America at a junction in an airport with readable signs, while some officer is standing next to shout out loud what is mentioned on the signs, like people can’t read.

Don’t you need a Facebook account to login to facebook? Guess what already millions of ppl have google account so many wont even need to sign up, they just need to login to the service!

Don’t see any google services not working in all browsers! Don’t see why this would not apply to google plus

btw chrome IS one of the fastest browsers out behind apple safari

Google Plus will start to really explode. I already have over 10 people on my facebook sharing their account and talking about it. That was what it was like for twitter. That leads me to believe that its going to be the new preferred means of social media.

I’m pretty amazed at how many of my friends and colleagues have started using G+ over the past week…not just accepting invites, but actually preferring it over FB. Granted, most of them are fairly tech savvy and tend to be early adopters, but I don’t recall seeing anything close to this rate of adoption with Buzz or Wave. Several have begun posting FB status updates saying they are already spending more time socializing on G+. It may just be that it’s new and unique (everybody seems enamored with Circles), but the next few months will tell I suppose.

Once Google opens up a developer API, things will get even more interesting.

This is what I don’t get. If you (generic you, not specifically GeoffreyYu) like a Facebooky kind of site, why not just use Facebook? If you’re looking for a cool elite alternative, you’ll be out of luck. Because Google+ will either bomb and fade into obscurity very quickly, or it will grow and become massive and take over the world and pretty soon it will be everything you sought to avoid when you went after it in the first place.

Facebook is not, in general, a bad website. Sure, it may not be one that you feel the need to use, but it does what it does pretty well. While I know it has some accessibility problems and a bit too much wizardry for some people, you are looking to Google, I repeat to Google, to produce a site that sticks to the principles of accessible straight-forward HTML? Is this some kind of sick joke?!

Don’t get me wrong, I can see why Google wants to launch an alternative to Facebook. I just can’t see what’s in it for users other than a new toy to play with and a fleeting moment of superiority when for a brief period they have elevated themselves above the plebian masses.

Many users already see the big difference.

Facebook is based on a friend and NOT a friend paradigm

Google Plus is based on a family,friends,ppl I know, ppl to look out for, work ppl, ppl from university and so on!

The big difference is that If I post something silly and fully I might post it for all but my work ppl since I want to be more serious with them!

Same rule applies if I want to say something related to the university, don’t want family or work ppl to see it but just the uni guys!

This fundamental way that google plus works makes Facebook look old school already!

Private me your email, I’d send you an invite

Great point Stevie and very similar to an argument I’ve been working on for the blog…

It’s easy to like the new shiny toy as an early adopter but for 750 million users, most of whom have no patience to group friends, or real problem with the current settings, what would make them move?

And if they don’t move then what value is Plus as a replacement? None. It’s not my early adopter friends that make it compelling… it’s the people with the interesting lives, the family and friends who update and keep me engaged with them. If they don’t move then Plus remains a secondary tool.

I see Plus doing well in it’s own right as a professional network or a niche for topical conversations and as many have suggested, a bigger threat to Twitter than Facebook but even that’s no sure thing given the push to show popularity over relevancy and length over quantity.

Having only joined FaceBook a week before joining Google+ I can say that FaceBook is just about impossible to use as I can’t find anything whereas Google+ makes everything obvious.

Rating both for ease of use:

FaceBook 0 out of 10
Google+ 8 out of 10

Rathing both for features that look useful:

FaceBook 1 out of 10
Googlt+ 2 out of 10

I found google plus very interesting & fast. you can keep separate your personal professional thing there. But it will not speed up like facebook “Like” button.

Hello I’ve just joined today… Google plus is really nice just take a while to get used to… Will surely suggest to my friends !

What exactly do you mean by that? The FaceBook Like button is equivalent to Google’s +1 button except with less overall effect than the Google one (since no one uses FaceBook to search the web since FaceBook doesn’t have that functionality).

I am going to wait on it like I waited on facebook before starting to use it…See where it leads to first, I say… :smiley:

No, I have a Hotmail account, with that I login into my Facebook account.
For Google Plus, I possible won’t be able to create an account with a hotmail address, I would possible need a gmail address…

Safari is crashing all the time with me… at my computer the slowest browser.

You are a google employee? Just created your account few days ago, only positive about google things and always negative about the others?