How can i remove the border


I am trying to only show a dotted border on this page, but not show the border it the result is the last row.

If you look at this page:

You can see 2 courses on Monday and Wednesday, but on Monday there are 2 courses and i don’t want to show the bottom border on the last course…

This is my code, is there a way i can check to see if the row is the last one and based on that show/don’t show a border?

<? $courses = Course::selectByCurrentWeek('3'); ?>

	            <tr style="height:40px">
	            <th class="paddingleft10px">Class</th>
	            <th class="paddingleft10px">Time</th>
	            <th class="paddingleft10px">Location</th>
      			$curdate = "";
                while($row = mysql_fetch_array($courses)){
                $date = $row['date'];
                $date = strtotime($date);
                $day = date('l',$date);
                $time = date("H:i",$date);
                $startdate = $row['startdate'];
                $startdate = strtotime($startdate);
                $starttime = date("H:i",$startdate);
                $enddate = $row['enddate'];
                $enddate = strtotime($enddate);
                $endtime = date("H:i",$enddate);

                if ($curdate != $day) {
                  echo "<tr class='day'><th style='padding-left:10px; width:400px'>$day</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th style='width:140px'>&nbsp;</th></tr>";
                  $curdate = $day;
                if ($curdate != $day) {
                  echo "<tr class='day'><th style='padding-left:10px; width:400px'>$day</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th style='width:140px'>&nbsp;</th></tr>";
                  $curdate = $day;

                echo "<tr><td><a href=\\"".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$sitename."view-courses/?ID=$row[ID]&?=$row[ID]\\">".$row['title']."</a></td><td>$starttime - $endtime</td><td>$row[location]</td></tr>";

Any ideas?

Thanks again


Thanks for your reply. Can you maybe show an example of how i could do this with the code i have if possible?

Thanks again

How about something like this? Note: for the purposes of this I’ve added an extra column from the database called ‘day’ which would be yyyy-mm-dd

 $courses = Course::selectByCurrentWeek('3'); ?>

 <tr style="height:40px">
 <th class="paddingleft10px">Class</th>
 <th class="paddingleft10px">Time</th>
 <th class="paddingleft10px">Location</th>
 $coursedata = array();
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($courses)){
  $coursedata[$row['day']][] = array('date' => $row['date'], 'id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'location' => $row['location'], 'startdate' => $row['startdate'], 'enddate' => $row['enddate']);
 foreach ($coursedata AS $day => $value) {
  $date = $day;
  $date = strtotime($date);
  $day = date('l',$date);
  echo "<tr class='day'><th style='padding-left:10px; width:400px'>$day</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th style='width:140px'>&nbsp;</th></tr>";

   $x=0; foreach ($value AS $k => $v) { $x++;
   $time = date("H:i",$v['date']);
   $startdate = $v['startdate'];
   $startdate = strtotime($startdate);
   $starttime = date("H:i",$startdate);
   $enddate = $v['enddate'];
   $enddate = strtotime($enddate);
   $endtime = date("H:i",$enddate);

   echo "<tr";
   if (sizeof($value) == $x) { echo ' class="noborder"'; }
   echo "><td><a href=\\"".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$sitename."view-courses/?ID=".$v['id']."&?=".$v['id']."\\">".$v['title']."</a></td><td>".$v['starttime']." - ".$v['endtime']."</td><td>".$v['location']."</td></tr>";



I should also add I haven’t tested this :blush:


This might not be the best way but you could iterate through the sql results and create an array of the courses, eg:

     [Monday] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [Name] => This is a test
                    [Time] => 04:15 - 00:00
                    [Location] => Somewhere

            [1] => Array
                    [Name] => This is a test 2
                    [Time] => 04:15 - 00:00
                    [Location] => Somewhere


    [Wednesday] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [Name] => This is a test
                    [Time] => 03:20 - 00:00
                    [Location] => Somewhere



Then use sizeof($arrayname[‘Monday’]) to get the number of courses for each day and on the last one, remove the border.

But as I say there may be a better way…

Sorry i have just realized i have this line twice:

   if ($curdate != $day) {
                  echo "<tr class='day'><th style='padding-left:10px; width:400px'>$day</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th style='width:140px'>&nbsp;</th></tr>";
                  $curdate = $day;

Ignore the second repeated lines. I basically want to show a bottom border only if the row is not the last row, so if i have 3 rows returned, i want to show a bottom border on the first and second but not the third.

I set the border in the css like so:

#courses-table td{padding:4px 9px 6px 12px;border-bottom:1px dotted;}

Any ideas how i can do this?