How can i use Social media Hashtags?

How do hashtags work and how can i use it to promote my business?

Hi Sheyie.

Are you familiar with ‘tags’ in blogs?

In a blog, a tag is a word that describes what content the particular blog post/article contains. Clicking on a tag allows a reader of the blog to find other posts on the same blog related to that content.

So suppose I’m running a recipe blog website, and I made an article about my yummy Banana Nut Bread, I might ‘tag’ my article with ‘banana’ and ‘nut’ and maybe something like ‘teatime’ and other words which describe what my post was about. Someone reading my Banana Nut Bread post may want to see what other banana recipes are on my site, so they’d click on my ‘banana’ tag, and the site will serve them other posts I tagged with ‘banana’ that the reader may therefore be interested in.


So a hashtag, is the online social network equivalent. To make a hashtag appear, just add a number sign in front of the word you’d like to declare as being a tag.

You familar with Facebook?

Imagine you just visited an awesome website that had a yummy Banana Nut Bread recipe that you’d like to share with your Facebook friends. You’d make a status update, “Guys! I found this amazing Banana Nut Bread recipe! It’s #yummy!”

“Yummy,” would turn into a hashtag, and other people on Facebook (not necessarily your friends!) who are searching for something ‘yummy’ might very well find your post. And not just your post, but the link to the website by extension.

I hope as wordy as all of that was ^, it wasn’t confusing. Did it help?

No, you wouldn’t use hashtags to “promote” your business but you could use them to categorise the content you post on sites like Twitter. That way, if anyone searches for those hashtags, your content will often be included, provided it’s not too old.

P.S. It’s best not to think in terms of “promote” but think in terms of “engage” when using social media sites.

The hashtag (#) has become a commonplace notation used to identify topics in social media. According to Twitter, “the # symbol… is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.”Typing a relevant hashtag into your Tweet will help readers find your message, even if they aren’t following you. On any given day, an infinite number of hashtags are circulating, so using the right one is key to success.

Typing a relevant hashtag into your Tweet will help readers find your message, even if they aren’t following you. On any given day, an infinite number of hashtags are circulating, so using the right one is key to success.

Conversations collect around hashtags. If you want to start a conversation, introduce a hashtag. If you want to join a conversation already happening on Twitter, find the hashtag that’s being used. Hashtags are commonly used at conferences, for television shows, and in discussion of major news events. Tweeting with the right hashtag is a great way to send your message not just to your followers, but to everyone who is tuned into that conversation.

Hanhtag is way to search similar content or keyword based post. If you are posting anything on Social media website Like on Facebook, twitter, Google+ then the best way to reach to more people except your follower is hash tag if we post hash tag related to our post in post then it can be easily search to anywhere.

Use hash tag(#) on most popular keywords. Suppose Webdesign service then you can write " #webdesign services".


These are some  tips for successful hash tags:-
  __[B] Keep your tag short:-[/B] No one can use your tags so be careful because of twitter allowed only 140 character.
  __[B] Don’t be vague:-[/B]If you hoping that your are attract the owner of collies then use the specify code.
  __ [B]Don't overdo it:-[/B]Twitter recommends no more than 2 hash tags terms per twit.
  __ [B]Avoid repetition:-[/B]Be sure that every new twit you sent with your hash tags  has value for your readers.

using the # tag make the things easy. For example i tweet… hello to lovely people of world, #world. so if someone search in twitter search box #world then your tweet would appear in the searches. So it is good to use promote your tweet or if you use the site link in you tweet and use the # tag with the keywords, it would give you reward.

in facebook just put this icon # before you putting the target keyword then your keyword will be with blue color ,then any 1 search in facebook may find your post or video you can see like this when go to your friends facebook pages

You can use hastag for your website promotion & share those hashtags which is relate to your business!!

Well said and explained and I agree with you.

I have a querry regarding tagging, if I am putting my own keywords in tag list, and as you said, it would provide you relative and relavent information from the web, then its like beating your site with your own strategy.So can I put my own keywords in Tag list or it should be relative according to our site.

I believe you got about Hashtags, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter and Facebook are supporting Hashtags

You cab Search tags relevant to your industry to find out what’s already being said. Then join the discussion by including those hashtags in your own posts. A hashtag can occur at the beginning or the middle of a post. As a business, you can use a hashtag to make an event even more social, join other conversations, boost the visibility of a promotion or explore new content for content ideas.

in which social sites i use #tags? other then facebook and twitter

Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr, Google+, Vkontakte

There are two basic ways of using hashtags. This is a know how, pals. One russian guy told me how he use HTs in their social network VK (they use HTs for 3 years, FB and G+ stole this feature just a few months ago)

  1. to attract traffic to your page use
    a) frequently used HTs and use them as often as possible a few of them (1-3); try to promote your page via these sertain HTs
    b) rarely used HTs but A LOT of different ones: generate hundreds of them monthly

  2. to organize your own content
    if you have hundreds of thousands publications it is easy to set them into sections or rubrics and mark every section with A UNIQUE HT; this tip will help you and your readers to find everything you generated one or two years ago much faster.

Also there`s a third way to use HTs.
Choose a short combination of two (not three!) letters associated with your brand.
MAXIM magazine – #mx

Add them in the end of every your publication. Thus you mark your content. Also this will give you possibility to promote your brand`s HT and use it for marlketing purposes in future (in ads and so on) in several years. If your project will be popular. Also this HT mark your content and helps you or your visitors easily select it just in one click.