How do I secure a Facebook page with the same name as my web domain name?

How do I secure a Facebook page with the same name as my web domain name?

You create it. If it isn’t taken already.

Thank you but I was looking for something more specific.
Any other help will be greatly appreciated.

Like what @RyanReese said, create a Facebook page and name it after your brand/domain name. Include the domain on the newly create page’s description.

After which, insert social media plugins on your website which links to the FB page and other social media accounts.

Get it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your reply.
When I tried it I see this (as an example):

How do I get it to just be:


No idea, but isn’t it automatic? I run this page (it’s a basketball page):

And it doesn’t have a /pages/ in the domain. It’s probably a new feature or something…or it might be employed in business pages, I think.

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