How the Ampersand Got its Name

(Hah, that title sounds like a children’s story, doesn’t it!)


Don’t know about you, but I love the quirky histories of words.

As an example, I was watching this Merriam-Webster video on how the ampersand (you know, the & symbol) got its name. (Wikipedia also has more details.)

To summarize loosely:

The & symbol is a written abbreviation of “et”, the Latin word for “and”. (Medieval scribes had to write this word over and over, and it was easier to write as &.)

& made it into English, too, and for a while is was even included in the alphabet. Letters like I and & sometimes stand as a word, so to distinguish them as such, they used to be referred to as “I per se I” and “& per se &” (spoken as “and per se and”. The per se bit basically means “by itself”.)

Over time, this morphed into “ampersand”. Isn’t that cool?


You know, with all these useful bits of information it contains, this ‘Internet’ thing may just catch on…


I thought this was the introduction to this week’s design newsletter! cc @alexmwalker

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