How To Improve site Traffic

article marketer how it will efforts to SERP

Online advertising also fetch some traffic.

You should start your website promotion efforts by listing your site at the most popular Internet directories. Because they can send you substantial amounts of traffic and affect your ranking in various search engines, it is wise to make sure that your site is present in all of the major directories before doing anything else.

sure! all Guys have answered your Question. You have to seo for good traffics, be member of gestbooks and social networks. it is easy. you can get good traffics and business also.

Link baiting is another technique for you.

Link building is good for you.
Socialbookmarking …exc
will bring you more traffic

Social Bookmarking is the best way to get traffic for your site, article syndication and blog reviewing is also helps in ranking and traffic, Various relevant forums help this to achieve the traffic for your site.


Have good content and update it frequently.

SEO efforts, you should update your content and find a company to promote your website through blogs etc.

this is what i did to generate traffic
1)Social Bookmarking
2)Article submission
3)Press release
4)Forum posting

Thanks for you nice tips and the link sun and kisses.
You are missing

  1. blog posting
  2. online advertising

for better traffic.

Hmm Hire a seo guru to optimise your site for a few key words or key phrases!

yeah im doing blog posting too where people can read my article

I started a blog a month ago, over that month I did the following:

#1. Added plenty of relevant articles
#2. Submitted to blog aggregators and social bookmarking sites
#3. Spent $20 on Adwords
#4. Each time I thought I had a decent post I added it to bookmarking sites.

Result in one month: Averaging 20 uniques a day, occasionally it spikes to 100-150 uniques.

Adsense revenue so afar $5 - so essentially I’m down $15 so far.

Adsense did provide me with alot of backlinks - I have over 400 now and over half of them are my advertisement on other peoples websites.

There are other less conventional ways to market your website.
i can pull 23+K a day with a few of my own marketing techniques.
Think out side the box!

Everyone competes for adwords keywords.
blogs are overrun with non paying customers.
with the new fast paced Internet go’ers, you will hardly find someone wanting to stop to read articles you may post.

SEO/Back links are one of the few techniques left that still have a bang on the Internet. and best of all its free.
another way is direct marketing to paying customers.


There are other less conventional ways to market your website.
i can pull 23+K a day with a few of my own marketing techniques.

Can you please explain some of your marketing techniques ?

If you can get listed on directories free with a no recip link, that is a great way to get at least the chance of some free traffic. Also, submitting to the search engines as soon as possible is important. And lastly, make sure your site has good content so that once you do get the people there, they will stay and find things of value to them.

good, but when your submitting to search engines, it would be more important to make sure your webpage has alot of relevent links and keywords BEFORE you submit, so when the spiders come crawling over, they know what to list your webpage under.

also, BEFORE you submit your webpage to search engines, make alot of links from your webpage, to other webpages that link BACK to your webpage. the more times these spiders see your link on other pages, the higher your ranking will be. - alot of search engines go off of googles spiders. so submit to google before you submit to the others.

well… you know… if thats how you want to try and rank high… :rofl:


p.s. ;-]
get your link on webpages allready ranking high in google… aka, yahoo answers, wiki answers, crigslist… etc…

You can promote with yahoo groups and google groups

Be consistent. I believe to focus on a little with all effort and get maximum results.

If you do all to quick. You cannot focus and you also get confuse.

Track what works and what does not works.

The method that works see how you can improve it more.

Hope this helps I learn it in my own life.