html5boilerplate vs TwitterBootstrap?

Hi guys,


Pros and Cons anyone?

Thanks in advance.

They are two completely different things. The html5 boilerplate is simply a basis for an html page that doesn’t have a whole lot of mark up, whereas bootstrap has a lot of components like menu’s, tables, icons, a grid layout, etc, etc.

It’s like comparing a steering wheel to a car.

What do you want to with it?

So bootstrap is car?
And HTML5BoilerPlate is the steeringwheel?

They are both responsive…

I think bootstrap has many fancy elements while HTML5BoilerPlate just the basic foundation for building a website…
Am I right or wrong?

Yes that’s what I said :slight_smile:

More info here:

The HTML5 Boilerplate (H5BP) is a starting project template that is designed to be adapted to your needs. Bootstrap is a specialised, modular, HTML/CSS/JS toolkit.