ie7 content box overflowing past footer

Hi, I’m trying to troubleshoot this following page in IE 7 (can also view in compat. mode on ie8) - actual site - screenshot

When the left content box is empty and the right nav is longer, the page should scale accordingly like on -

The right box flows past the footer. This problem seems to be happening only in ie7. There’s a hidden div on the left side under counselor.

Honestly it’s just experience, you should try debugging on your own and understand when IE needs haslayout. 99% of the time, bugs are caused by either haslayout being set, or not set. It depends on the case.

If you want, you can try to debug it (so you can get a sense of it), if not then I’ll debug it (it’s a great learning experience if you debug it yourself)

Just wanted to give you a chance (I don’t mind debugging it :))

Just remember, when in doubt, haslayout :slight_smile:

that worked.

how do i debug these type of bug?

i found another page doing the same thing in ie7.

Hi, it appears that this element just needs a haslayout trigger :slight_smile:
