Introducing PHP Live and CSS Live

already registered for Phplive. cant wait till it starts, jslive was awesome.

Mal - (Phew!) - many thanks for the response … just tried and got in OK.

I was getting worried!

Thx again.

Hi Chris,

Terribly sorry about this, we fixed the issue with the incorrect password reset this morning, but during that deploy broke part of the user system. Something as simple as a default forum avatar broke the system.

I’ve fixed this now, and you should be able to log in with your order id and email address without any issues. If you get any more, feel free to hit me up directly via PM here and I’ll get straight onto it!


Mal Curtis

Problem here too - but this is re the registration. I have written about it to the support email but nothing back - in fact the problem has compounded so I resent with an addition to it.

I went 2 days ago to - - but seemed I had not remembered my pw properly (if in fact my login was with the account for the forums) … so, on to page to retrieve login info … no dice! That came up with an error on the url - - “Page Not Found No page found for path ‘/forums/login.php’”.

Having gone thru a pw retrieval for the forum and now in OK - went to again to retry - now that is not coming up at all - tried in FF and IE - nothing, not even an error.

Anyone having probs getting registered? Monday is coming up fast and I want to registered and ready! Just hope I’ll hear back from support - or someone!

I am very interested in PHP Live and am considering joining in, but I have a couple of questions first.

  1. Are the lessons live in that I have to access them at a certain time or are they free to view whenever I please (once they have been posted)? I ask this because I am UK based.
  2. I will be on holiday from July 1st for three weeks, which I understand ever so slightly overlaps with PHP Live - will I miss anything vital?

I really, really love the idea of this. I’m in the process of learning php and am kind of at the stage at the moment where I want to move away from procedural php to OOP. I’ve built CMS systems with MySQL, so sadly this tutorial probably is not for me (although a year ago it would have been great)

However looking around the web, there seem to be little examples of using OOP effectively i.e. I recently read a OOP tutorial that will make a dog bark. Whoopie that will really help me in the real world!

I’d love it if after this PHP Live screencast there was a slightly more advanced screencast which talked you through things like OOP and even things like parsing data from text documents using get_file_contents etc, which I don’t think are that easy to understand. I think it would be VERY popular as there are so many in my position who want to take the leap from procedural php to OOP, but it’s finding the right tutorial online that flicks that light switch in your head!

Any thoughts on this from the powers that be if something like this is in the pipeline?

Have just had a looksee at these courses and just want to congratulate the Sitepoint team for an innovative and value for money approach to learning! I too look forward to an “intermediate” php course (no doubt it is bubbling away somewhere in the pipeline), and may well get involved in the next incarnation of Javascript live. Incidentally, if I subscribed to that now, would I still be able to jump in on the live course when it next occurs?

Hey why is the discount for JS live members broke? I have the email specifically stating we get a discount, and the web page also specifically states it also? THere is NO cut off date mentioned?

3,000 participants signed within a week - amazing. Good luck, ShayneTilley.

It won’t be ‘soon’ but the idea has been tabled.

Thanks for your reply - I’ll look out for that then!

These courses seem really great, I’m going to take the php just to see how it is and hopefully take a few new things away from it :).

Personally I’d like to see some more advanced (possibly ‘micro’) courses that really dig in deeper to specific areas of a certain language or process. I’ve purchased several sitepoint books over the years and I’m really excited about this new learning format. Don’t get me wrong I’ll still have the books but it sounds like these courses go above and beyond the books.

I know it’s still early, but have you guys considered a subscription based service rather than 1off’s? Just a thought.

More video would be good.

Also, a quick search on YouTube seems to show plenty of the Javascript Live videos. I could be wrong, as I’ve not actually gone through the course yet, but if this is the case, they should be unlisted so only those with the URL could see them.
If you could potentially watch all the videos(with the possible exception of the Q&As) for free, it might tempt some to just not pay.
I of course will pay for the content, but not everyone would be so honest, given the choice.

I was wondering, because the Javascript course had a quite a bit of reading, for future courses is the goal to become more video than radio or will these two courses have the same if not more amount of reading required compared to the amount of video presented.

I’m still signing up either way, but I’m much more of a visual follow along learner or learn through experience than extensive reading. So I’m just curious.

For me, not new to javascript but I’m no expert, the programming in Javascript Live became a tad overwhelming at the beginning of the second week. By the end of the second week I was letting it “flow over me” and attempting to listen at Fridays at 5pm (west coast) Q&A, and trying to get dinner/weekend ready. (my only complaint) However, there was javascript work for me a couple of days ago and, thanks to the course, I got through it with way less pain that I would have prior to the course. Online learning can be like learning through osmosis!! And I love it.

I’m all there for PHP Live. The course outline looks great! I’m signed up and looking for the forum.

I’d love to know what ideas you guys are talking about internally for other courses in the future.
Personally, I’m not at all interested in Microsoft technologies, but I’ve bought the Javascript one today, as well as ordering the PHP and CSS Live courses. I use other sources for learning these same technologies too, as I like to get different perspectives and methodologies on doing the same thing.

If they had enough archive content(and added stuff, even little things like ‘How to do X in PHP’) I’d absolutely sign-up for a subscription.
I use Safari Books, which is basically a subscription service to view computer books on-line. Sitepoint offer their books through that.
A video version of that with plenty of content would certainly be worth a monthly fee, in my eyes at least.

It won’t be ‘soon’ but the idea has been tabled.

I’ve just signed up to PHP live as I’m doing the Javascript Live course at the moment and feel that the format is excellent.

I’m interested in learning PHP just for an extra skill really but the main server side language that I use is ASP.NET so it would be great to have one of these courses on ASP.NET at some point. Does anyone know if there will be a course on ASP.NET soon?

Looked over a lot of the reviews and I decided to take the plunge and signed up for PHP Live. Excited to see what Kevin has in store for us.

Now just need to wait for the 14th to roll around… hehe

And my work here is done. :slight_smile: