Introducing PHP Live and CSS Live

Javascript Live, whilst a great course, and something that I throughly enjoyed, did tend to overwhelm some of us who attended with infomation at times. Having said that, you have access to the course materal indiffinately, so take your time, and do what you can, when you can.

Yep fair question, to be honest, you’ll get access to way more content though the course that our book, we use the medium that best suits what is being taught at the time (video, articles etc etc), you can attend live Q&A’s where you can ask specific questions to the creator of the course and there will be a whole group of fellow students helping each other in a private forum. At $30 I think it represents a lot more value than a book.

But I’m a little bit bias :slight_smile:

Yep it will be available indefinitely.

We’ll stick with procedural techniques in this introductory course, but we will be making good use of include files to separate controller code from template code.

I’m aiming to average about an hour’s reading/viewing/coding/chatting per day, but it really depends on how quickly you learn. Some participants in JavaScript Live would go through lessons two or three times writing detailed notes for themselves, which will obviously take a lot longer.

i am intrested but how you accept payment can i pay with Western Union??

I can’t wait for these courses - CSS - to iron out bad habits! :blush: and PHP to learn from the experts the correct way once and for all! :stuck_out_tongue:

@ timing issues - I think the beauty of these courses are that no matter how much time you have or don’t have, you can always refer to the materials - plus with so many other students availing of these courses there is always someone on hand to help out where you might be struggling right here on the forums and of course the tutors, especially in the Live Q & A - very exciting :slight_smile:

A few weeks ago I bought the 4th ed of “Build your own Database Drive Website using PHP & MySQL” and have also just signed up to the PHP Live course!

I think my query has kinda been answered above, but I thought it worth asking to clarify: will all the course materials, not just the Q&A Videos, be available indefinitely in the course login section?

Thanks a million - can’t wait! :smiley:


First day of the course will walk you though everything you need. So just bring your willingness to learn and a smile, and you’ll be fine :slight_smile:

Javascript Live was fantastic overall. Very much looking forward to the PHP course. :slight_smile:

No. Provided you’re not running a ZX81 you should be fine. :wink:

I suggest that someone that did the course last time might be best qualified to answer this for you.

You won’t get behind as such though - you can do things at your own pace.

Hi Shayne,

I’m interested in doing the course, but have a full time job and two kids - so I was just wondering how much time you think needs to be allocated each day to the course? A couple of hours a day, or maybe more?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

  • Charlie

PHP course for $29.95, same price as a good book. What’s the difference between a good book on PHP and a short course? Not that I am interested in the course but others might be wondering?

Are you teaching OOP or procedural? May recommend this to a friend who is learning at the moment.

Hi Shayne,
I am thinking of attending the PHP live course with Kevin Yank. What will I need in order to successfully do the exercises? Are there specific downloads I should have as well as machine configuration? I did not see this addressed on the FAQ page.


Did Javascript live and can’t wait for this one :smiley:

Thanks for your replies everyone - seeing what a great community there is on these forums made up my mind for me, and I just signed up!

Looking forward to the start of the course.

  • Charlie

Oh, I cannot give a good response to that because I was unable to follow the first week and started when we were 6 days into the course.

I then caught up with the material at the end of the second week. The rest went relatively fine.

On average, I’d say I spent approx. 3 hours per day.

How much time per day did you have to commit to keep up with the course Maleika?

Can’t see the forest from the tree’s (:

How much database stuff will be covered? Basic CRUD?