Mac-Pc-Display Difference?

I’ve updated some images on my website +

I had a look at the site yesterday at the library on a mac computer.

The bottom six images were out of place and I could see some images from the template I used?

Why does it dispaly perfectly on my pc but not at the library?


If an older browser was running on the library computer, that could be an issue. Otherwise, the seems to load without any problems when using the latest version of safari.

I can’t see any obvious problem on the Mac. Do you know what browser that Mac was using? Could you post a screen shot of what the page should look like?

I think it was Fire Fox, I’ve put a print screen of product-shots page, of how it should be displayed.


I’ve uploaded the print screen via the attachments icon at the top, hope it worked OK?

That’s a screenshot from Windows XP. I can’t say that I see anything obviously wrong with the images on your website.

Your page looks fine in current Mac browsers—just like your screen shot.

Browser can create problems but not the computers or operating systems, however IE is always a problem :slight_smile: