MAMP #2002 error

MAMP Mysql server not working. Error message 2002

Having same problem: Had not used MAMP in a year since install, opened ok yesterday, was in phpmyadmin, then did other things on computer (just on MS Word, and checked news on Internet), then went back to MAMP.

Problems: 1) click MAMP icon, “open start page” is greyed out so can’t click & won’t open. 2) Apache server is checked, but MySql server is not checked. 3) “Start servers” will not start the MySql server… 4) When I go to http://localhost/MAMP/ I get error:

2002 - Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock’ (2)

The server is not responding (or the local server’s socket is not correctly configured).

Have even reinstalled MAMP & same problems. Any solutions? Thanks!

I usually google error messages like that, as someone else has usually asked about it before. does this help?

No that doesn’t help. I googled for the past four days. That’s why I posted on this forum. Do you know the answer to this? If you don’t, maybe someone else on this forum does. Thanks.

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